16 yr old offering free labour.

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so i realised plastering might be a good path to take, but i need to know a lot about it, offering to work on weekends for free in turn for knowledge of plastering. I would be able t do all the dirty work like cleaning tools, mixing plaster, making teas etc etc anything really just want to be able to ask a lot of questions and gain knowledge. around the kent area.
mate. honest advise. go back to school. get qualified in something that will keep you clean and dry and pay you holidays and sick pay.
If we could go back in time :RpS_unsure: but if its what he wants to do then do it ,we all know the pit falls ,and my school did not want me back :RpS_blushing:
Jack just get a job as a labourer that's where you start if you want to be a plasterer
We are Medway based and I live in gillingham, Shakespeare rd. What u doing at school? Where u going?
Hi Rick things are going okish. Just found had that large contract fall through up in croydon. Was kinda in limbo with it though so now i know its gone its cleard up the diary properly and have been focused on tendering for new stuff.

You still working with Russ?

Still think you would make a good spread and wanna take you on and train you up. Its just getting a long run of work (which i thought we had!) which will enable me to make sure your getting enough payed enough everyday to sort your bills etc.
Thats a shame mate sounded like a good 1 that croydon job, not working for Russ anymore, yea would be s**t hot to come work with you guys like you say its just having enough work on ive got a private job on for this week but ive got jeremy kyle booked in for next week lol
Im in the process of trying to split our business in two at the moment. One for internal finishing and the other for external rendering etc. I do need a labour for the external work that we get as 3 spreads on a machine is not cost effective. Ideally i need 2 of us and a labour to bag the machine etc.

Have you still got my number? Whats you number again? I will need someone but can't offer 5 days every week at the moment which is what you had with Russ which is why I was reluctant to call.

If anyone else needs someone in medway i can vouch for Rick
Yea thats cool mate thanks, ive got my own little van now sold the bmw, was gonna try do a bit for myself if i can get the work but would like to work alongside a plasterer just hard to make enough for 2 of you. My iphone broke so im not sure if you still got my number its 07565875865,
Im in the process of trying to split our business in two at the moment. One for internal finishing and the other for external rendering etc. I do need a labour for the external work that we get as 3 spreads on a machine is not cost effective. Ideally i need 2 of us and a labour to bag the machine etc.

Have you still got my number? Whats you number again? I will need someone but can't offer 5 days every week at the moment which is what you had with Russ which is why I was reluctant to call.

If anyone else needs someone in medway i can vouch for Rick

Hi Currier, ive spoke to you before about the ritmo is the machine only cost effective with 2 +1 on external work or does that apply to skimming as well, im looking in to getting a machine again and usually theres myself and 4 spreads who work with me,would this be a suitable set up for skimming or not cost effective?
The van was a good idea! i will let everyone know there is a good labourer about hopefully we can get you some work :RpS_thumbup:

What would you say you can do by yourself at the moment?
Hi Currier, ive spoke to you before about the ritmo is the machine only cost effective with 2 +1 on external work or does that apply to skimming as well, im looking in to getting a machine again and usually theres myself and 4 spreads who work with me,would this be a suitable set up for skimming or not cost effective?

You would be over maned with that many. 2+1 is the best setup
yea was a good move only a little ford escort van but it is reliable and a good 1, cheers mate wana try and get full time plastering, i no some people on here probly think im mad coz plastering can be the biggest ball ache going, but i do enjoy plastering :/, I plastered a 3 bed in Ditton for Russell he was happy with it, f****** should have been for £70 day rate and i done it quick plus all the over jobs he gave me, i can do skimming quite well now floating & setting + usual s**t like tape and jointing plasterboarding
a labourer with a beamer and an iphone sitting at home watching jeremy kyle.

Living the dream....

To be fair rick ant just a lab, he is already handy with a trowel and more importantly has a good work ethic. Better the 95% of the rest of them that thinks they will get paid big bucks for doing **** all.....

We could make a proper spread out of him
Thanks currier, good to get advice from people already up and running with a machine, what sort of meterage you covering with a 2+1, do you get more meterage on or just makes life easier?
Tell him you wanna do the last unit over at Abborts that is still left for ther same rate we were! If you want someone to come over and give you a hand I will. Its only a baby unit

In fact if that dont work you wanna do it with me, I was chatting to john and it will be ready in a few weeks. We have his house to render soon aswell at the bottom of blue bell.
Thanks currier, good to get advice from people already up and running with a machine, what sort of meterage you covering with a 2+1, do you get more meterage on or just makes life easier?

2+1 we get 180 - 200m2 aslong as its nice areas. we are between 25-33% more productive which easily pays the machine, plus as we offer a different service we seem to be getting more work . Also i dont feel ****** at the end of the day
Yea i asked him if i could have that unit he said i could but i was off a few weeks back for a week n half totaly fcuked my back i spoke to russ the over day said i am available from monday if you need me not sure wether hes got another labourer coz i was off but i havent heard from him, yea i heard john is doing hes house up a bit
What did you do to your back? Also dont let him mug you in to plastering on a labs wage. If you do it say you want more the 70 squid a day!
yea i just ****** it doing the ground work with a kangoo all day that kept getting stuck in the ground had to keep yankin it to get it out and carrying heavy s**t picking it up wrong, could hardly move for a week or sit down comftable was pretty fcuked up!, yea i should of said for a bit more doe but i thought if i dont do it he might get some1 else and ill just be labouring rather plaster than labour :/
Fair play mate

Ill give you a bell as soon as i have something i need a hand with and see if you free
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