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  1. dubbs

    External render wall corner / bell cast beading setup

    Hi all - just to reitterate - the beads are ontop of an already rendered house - so we already have a bellcast at the bottom - a new bell cast bead has been attached to the bottom, which makes sense to me - but where we have corners in the walls - the corner bead has been attached as per diagram...
  2. dubbs

    External render wall corner / bell cast beading setup

    Thanks - this is what I would imagine is the best solution. so we maintain a consistent depth away from the wall all the way along the profile of the existing wall. Renderers are using plastic beading as its a lime render and they say the cant bend it though... Would we have a bell cast bead at...
  3. dubbs

    External render wall corner / bell cast beading setup

    Hi - Can someone please have a look at the diagrams below and advise if diagram A or B is correct for the beading setup for a corner wall to render the walls with a bellcast at the bottom. The house currently has a bellcast. If neither are right can someone please advise how this should be...