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    • D
      Duda1985 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Thanks guys, I really appreciate the advice given. Chalked this one up to experience. Everyone was chasing them for money, but I was...
    • D
      Duda1985 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Thing is they were paying as the job progressed. They must always try to skip the final payments for everyone. The only consolation is...
    • D
      Duda1985 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Just shy of 4 k labour. turns out he owes the builder 16k and the scaffolder 800. The builder believes he can work out a payment plan...
    • D
      Duda1985 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      *I'm English myself. But the type of English person that will only pay for stuff when I have the money for it. Not expect people to keep...
    • D
      Duda1985 replied to the thread How would you react?.
      Hes english Stewie. The worst kind. Entitled and used to having a lot of money. But its obviously run out.
    • D
      Hi everyone, Longtime reader, first time poster. Just checking if this has happened to any of you guys and how you reacted in the...
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