Your rendering today

Well am in bed went on the piss last night. Getting the van serviced today.
Your rendering today

Do I win a mug
Just a bit of mono today on the east side. Rained on and off till 3pm.

Just a narrow band of rain sweeping across the country and I copped for it.
stop bead 10mm above the decking, seen them casted to the bottom plenty of times and it cracks after a year. Cleaning the chips off the f**k*r is the problem!
stop bead 10mm above the decking, seen them casted to the bottom plenty of times and it cracks after a year. Cleaning the chips off the f**k*r is the problem!

That's what I was meaning, the cleaning! You can have it totally covered and at the end it still looks like a bulk bag has been emptied on it
I made the dash myself from pin gravel mixed it up Friday with sand and lime. Left it over the weekend. Then went in to day on my own and mixed it up and got it on the walls. It's nice to work old school sometimes.
@Ritch what the f**k is the dislike all about