the bricky

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anyone used one of these? looks easy. he builds a little house in under two hours. it doesnt squash the mortar though. just kind of lies on top of it

the bricky

I watched an old boy spend about 4hrs laying 1 course on a little garden wall across the road it was funny but kinda painful at the same time.
yeah youre right. the time i would take fcuking about with this i might as well be out earning and pay someone to do it. heres tommy greg. seems like a nice guy. like a chirpy cockney

I lent one off a mate to build my shed.It was hard work and i ended up sacking it off and doing it traditional way.Soon got the knack of it but i was still slow as fook.I ended up doing the lot built the trusses did soffits and fascias and roof.Didnt look bad in the end as i rendered it.
the bricky
Sorry for the piccy being this way but cant rotate them with this chrome book for some reason.
jesus. now im thinking of getting one again:confused: didnt some woman use one to build a house and then sell it and become a millionaire or was that just a dream ...?
Can't see how they work with the bricks we get,there's none the same depth you need mortar to press into to get it correct.Some of the bricks i use are 3 to 5 mil different total joke same in length too.
Knew of a squad who turned up on site using them,they were'nt there long the gaffer give them the bullet.I've never seen one used but if it works and people are keen to have a bash why not.
The bricky works. I don't think an irish man would invent something s**t and try to sell it.;)
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The 'secret' to brick laying is in setting out the corners. Number of bricks along a face, build the corners plumb, level, square and to gauge. Once you get to the part where you're using the brickie to gauge your mortar thickness you'd be working to a line anyway. So it doesn't make a difference if you use one or not, the outcome should be the same.
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