plastic wall plugs

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New Member
hi guys just need some advice on these plastic plugs not sure what they actually called . the customer has used these to fix boards to the internal walls now i've not seen these before and he assured me they just skim over but when i came to skim the walls the plaster did not stick to these and they were still visible when the plaster dried. i spoke to my course tutor who is a plasterer of 40 odd years he told me that these things are used to fix insulation broads to external walls and then rendered over. i've tried explaining this to the customer but he is adamant that they just skim over and Ive deliberately done a bad job to make more money out of him!. so can any of you guys help out with this??
thanks in advance plastic wall plugs
Looks like what we call mushroom fixings.Used to secure insulated plasterboard on the inside of external walls.we only use the metal ones,the plastic ones are no good not very strong.drill the slab when in place and hammer in the least 15 per slab.the head should not stick out too a trowel over them and if it scrapes off it give it another tap with the hammer.No harm to put a bit of scrim over them before skimming.The're used all over Ireland and no bother skimming them.
I really struggled to cover them up only managed get a really thin layer on and now the customer is going off his head at me!!
The best solution is tap them in.two coats of pva and reskim.Too much work patching if there all out.
That's what I've done just re skimmed one wall as I can't patch them because they not buried under the plaster if that makes sense
Don't be afraid to use a hammer on them,skimmed or not.They have to be covered.
They used these internally in the 90s fixing insulated plasterboarding to external walls,the solution is to put bonding in the first coat and put on 3-4 mm flatten then second coat with finish
Fair play to you for coming on here for advise to sort it out,the advise I will give you,just so yout don't get in this situation again is,when you turn up to a job with anything protruding from the plasterboard ie screws,mushroom fittings or kinked dodgy beads(infact I hate customers beading jobs and if they have they nearly always come off)
just be mindful that customers will try it on,if you turn up and this is their work isn't up to scratch don't be affraid to tell them it's incorrect, give them the option,either you can fix it and charge them(dependant on the size of the problem)if they don't want to do that then they can do it and you will have to come back.good luck and hope you can get it sorted pal.:RpS_thumbup:
Looks like what we call mushroom fixings.Used to secure insulated plasterboard on the inside of external walls.we only use the metal ones,the plastic ones are no good not very strong.drill the slab when in place and hammer in the least 15 per slab.the head should not stick out too a trowel over them and if it scrapes off it give it another tap with the hammer.No harm to put a bit of scrim over them before skimming.The're used all over Ireland and no bother skimming them.

Yea use the metal ones. They can be beat in so it is nearly flush with the board. We bit of scrim on top to be sure.
@kgreigh thanks pal like i said i've never worked with these and the customer has fixed them on and i just wanted to be sure that im not to blame and its the way hes put them on.
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hi guys just need some advice on these plastic plugs not sure what they actually called . the customer has used these to fix boards to the internal walls now i've not seen these before and he assured me they just skim over but when i came to skim the walls the plaster did not stick to these and they were still visible when the plaster dried. i spoke to my course tutor who is a plasterer of 40 odd years he told me that these things are used to fix insulation broads to external walls and then rendered over. i've tried explaining this to the customer but he is adamant that they just skim over and Ive deliberately done a bad job to make more money out of him!. so can any of you guys help out with this??
thanks in advanceView attachment 4518

With respect mate, why would you go and quote a job and let the customer tell you what the craic is ? Surely you would have seen that they wouldn't cover ? but still go ahead and do it anyway !!!! and why would you deliberately do a bad job ?
i've only been at it for about 8 months so i lack the experience you chaps have and i thought they may just cover up and i wouldn't.
i've only been at it for about 8 months so i lack the experience you chaps have and i thought they may just cover up and i wouldn't.

Thing is mate you've only been doing it 8 months and you're quoting to work in peoples houses without knowing what your doing :RpS_thumbdn: And then deliberately doing a sh17 job to make more money off them.. Then come on the forum asking questions so you can go back to the customer and pretend you know what your on about, and maybe spank some more money out of them..
no mate ive no intention of getting anymore money out of them! and i also told the customer i have not been doing it very long so he is well aware. i came on here to make sure that the reason it came out bad was there doing not mine. i intend to rectify the problem FREE of charge even tho its there doing!! and give choice of sorting the fittings out if they wish for me to continue with the job or they can find someone else for the job
no mate ive no intention of getting anymore money out of them! and i also told the customer i have not been doing it very long so he is well aware. i came on here to make sure that the reason it came out bad was there doing not mine. i intend to rectify the problem FREE of charge even tho its there doing!! and give choice of sorting the fittings out if they wish for me to continue with the job or they can find someone else for the job

Ok ive probably read your origional post wrong slightly mate, but the main point is the customer shouldn't be telling you how its to be done, Also peeps only remember a bad job, so if your just starting out you need to make the right impression from the start.
it cool mate. i know what your saying this is why im willing to sort it out for free. i don't want fail b4 i have even begun
@kgreigh thanks pal like i said i've never worked with these and the customer has fixed them on and i just wanted to be sure that im not to blame and its the way hes put them on.
You have made an honest mistake and as your new to this you will probably make many more,we all make mistakes the key is not to make the same mistake twice.keep going to college and practising,if it's for customers let them know your a trainee as you have done and don't take anything on that is to much for you to handle.:RpS_thumbup:
Don't let it sent your confidence.. Bang them in and reskim as suggested .. It's always a school am day so you have learnt something that won't get u next next time.. That's where the experience comes from the mistakes..
Best of luck
no doubt i will and i always make them aware that ive only been doing it a short while. ive finished from the college now what really wanted to do was get on with someone who has been doing it a while so i can keep learning under a watchful eye' but no was wiling to take me on so i had no choice but go alone to just keep my hand in and to take on small jobs and thats what i thought this was
Keep within Ye comfort zone and come on here for advice.. Lads on here will help you out no end If Ye have the right attitude mate
@windy thanks pal its very good community on here thats why posted my query.
@fireband7 the chap has used plastic ones and as you can see they sit on top of the board and not sunk in
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Lesson one for today.. Do your own prep or refuse to accept customers poor prep.. Customers always try and save a few ££ by trying to do some prep.. It's usually poor.. Learn to laugh at walk away at those jobs
@johniosaif. the question really is are suppose be sunk in the board a little or sit on top like in the picture?
Sink them a bit but if the damage the board too much then they are not holding them securely, two handfuls of bonding in the first bucket would of sorted it.
plastic wall plugs So after much debate he did the rest of the walls with these and they much similar and he sunk them in more! And when he saw the finish he realised he messed up the other walls. And has offered to pay a bit more to sort them. Thank you very much guys for the advise
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