what would you guys recommend for

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ruling -off these polymer one coat renders , as i'am an old -boy i tend to go for my 6ft aluminium feather -edge , i keep reading about you all using spat's and flexible blades and stuff , as this material is like **** sticking to a blanket and it can tear/drags ,what say YOU ?? please
wow serrated !! so when you pass over it,it looks like its tile adhesive ,then the spatular to close -it ?
If hand applying rule first coat with the serrated edge and when thats taken in a good heavy second coat just trowelled an spatted.
wow serrated !! so when you pass over it,it looks like its tile adhesive ,then the spatular to close -it ?

the serrated stops air bubbles and shows up all the hollows.....................:RpS_thumbup:..........then just spat the bitch.................:RpS_thumbsup:
serrated straight edge on first coat- very intresting :RpS_wink: might have to try that technique out...[/QUOTE
I find it a good method if the walls are a bit pony as it gets it all nice and level for the main topcoat. Also stops the old doughnuts appearing on scrapeback .
well i will give it a go ! never one to not try new ways me, spect i'll get the serrated /spat from rafinea ?
Hi Gooner,

We sell serrated edges and can cut them to whatever size you want. Also the EZE Spat with the standard blade can be used for the 'closing in'.

Let me know if you need a price.

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