wetherby courses

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alreeet all.. does any one know if wetherby do courses or if there is somewhere that does courses around the north west area in insulation render and the brick slip system..

im looking at getting into something else, ya know add another string to the bow and all that, ive worked for myself plastering/rendering for the last 10 years and done ok..but at the moment the work has dried up to a complete stop, (theres only so many days you can stay at home w"/.-king)..its doing me nut in!!!

..im prity sure there are plenty of us in the same boat but any info at all would be a great help..
I don't know of any in the north west but try ringing Marmorit. They do training at PFT Northern in Maltby near Doncaster, otherwise it,s South. Weber in Bedfordshire and SAS in Exeter. K Rend do mono in N, Ireland but I don't know about insulation courses.
a course aint going to tell you jack, you want practical experience on site with a competent outfit that does this knd of work.
I'm doing the nvq at the mo as an osat. Like you say another string to the bow as well as the system suppliers training days. Tis all we do these days which is in stark contrast to all mono from two or so years ago. You don't need a machine either cos each coat is only skim thickness which the Swiss trowel was made for
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Alrite alan were bouts in the northwest r u mate? Wouldn't mind checkin somefin like that maself got a float and set job in a month or so and he asked me if I could do this system on the outside but had to turn it down
im in blackpool mate..come to think about it i had to turn a job away about six months ago because i didnt have a qlue...kinda wish i didnt like but hay ha..
yeah i was thinking of contacting that steve kilbride bloke..do any of you guys know any applicators up my way that i could also get in touch with?
also so any ideas on how much courses are?
wetherby do the course they will charge you for it, the systems are expensive to buy also, you will be better jumping on site gaining the install knowledge as the course will tell you what to do but you will only learn how to do it with experience before you could confidently fit out your own work

they have a few applicators round the north west now more than there is work to go around em anyhow but finding a site shouldnt be a prob in fact I know of a job with the brickslip spec if you want I can see if they still need men
cheers plasterjfe...yeah if ya could have a word that would be great cheers, where abouts is the site?
...it did cross my mind to go and find a site but i figured if i went to weber or wetherby, did there course and hopefully get reconised as a main applicator or something similiar and hopefully get work like that...sounds to easy i know..
it aint that easy pal, otherwise everyone would go down that avenue.


Also to note, you will be given initial skyhigh prices, making you uncompetitive. You can only get materials as an approved contractor, with account at the system provider, and the likelyhood that you'll get enquiries form them is remote, as they like to give them to those who know what they're doing and with a longstanding system record.

Saying that, there's no harm in trying.

Also to note, you will be given initial skyhigh prices, making you uncompetitive. You can only get materials as an approved contractor, with account at the system provider, and the likelyhood that you'll get enquiries form them is remote, as they like to give them to those who know what they're doing and with a longstanding system record.

Saying that, there's no harm in trying.

agree with this, it takes years to break their backs
best bet is to get at least a year on site then go into the course for your approval

£180 to come away still not being able to execute the work properly is a hefty price

also the thermal courses are separate to the mono so you could be paying that twice if you want all the bumf.

Alan where are you prepared to travel to for work mate ?
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