WEBER OCR ( advice wanted )

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I have approx 25 mtrs to cover.The walls are of brick construction ( 1936 ) and in sound condition. A doorway and window have been blocked up using celcon blocks. I intended to rend-aid the blockwork and when ready, render the lot with OCR. However,the guy at Weber says i should mesh where the block/brick meet and rend-aid everything to make sure. Is this to cover their arses as the brickwork is sound or simply good advice ?
mesh over the piece work as warrior says.
as for rendaid over the whole wall - what kind of brick is it?
I'd say it was good advice, if you rendaid the lot your suction will be uniform over the whole area.
if the bricks are fine i would mesh over where needed then tight coat over the lot then float over that rule off etc dont see the need for rendaid to be honest plus you have to give rendaid at least 4 days curing normally just scud it if your not happy weber ocr is only sand an cement in a bag and should be treated so
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cant see why you would need rendaid myself its a porous brick in reasonable condition it dont sound like a tricky substrate, it wants rendering over eh thats what bagged render is for so just render it surely, you could price yourself out with the rendaid spec there. use hp12 instead of ocr its a bit stickier
Dont know if you know Bill, the bloke at Weber will be talking about fibreglass mesh not eml, but if you already knew that just tell me to F''K off : )
cant see why you would need rendaid myself its a porous brick in reasonable condition it dont sound like a tricky substrate, it wants rendering over eh thats what bagged render is for so just render it surely, you could price yourself out with the rendaid spec there. use hp12 instead of ocr its a bit stickier
ha ha it come out wrong that should be dont you dont need rendaid
At the end of the day mate you have one chance to get the job right so why do what some say, by scrimping on meshing and rendaid. if you do as weber say then you have done all you can to the spec the manufactor stated. I always do full mesh and rendaid / cpi highbond on this type of job. It not only covers weber's arse mate but it cover yours as well.
weber wont be gauranteeing this at 25m sq I assume and Krend will spec you on a HP basecoat/mesh only saving on labour
weber will try to wriggle out of every situation if possible , they dont care for mono any more , they only interested in insulating systems now , krend dont give a sh@t either they will give you a spec on anything you want , do what simps says completely mesh and rendaid , you know its right then
it is right to follow the spec but weber have the incentive to sell more gear and I suspect ocr prob does need rendaid first because it is a very loose low end polymer where as krends highpolymer wont need any pre treatment as it is superior to ocr and will stick no probs onto that background
parex and me would reccomend lanko latex in first pass to stop ghosting on the blockwork and mesh the substrate joints... however i would mesh the lot so no probs in the future
on 25 m you could use lankolatex in the one coat mix at full thickness, no point in doing a first pass on this measure

i use lankolatex an parmurex on scratchcoats over old masonry or brickwork for rendering on top of with parex monorex.
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