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Bet she'll have a bit of Irish in her tonight though.....
Eddie you dirty b.....d:RpS_biggrin:
I was on the cruddas park flats job this year working for mitie. They were happy for us to use stilts but when the wates h+s noticed us he nearly had a heat attack!

He said they had been banned on site in the uk, the boss from mitie said that was balls, but if h+s said no that was it. We had to stop and use steps instead.
What a load of b*ll***s,you have more chance of falling off steps i should know.Ive seen them plastering ceilings on an alloy tower fully handrailled being pushed around as they skim.WTF.
Yes. u are no longer allowed to use steps continusly for more than 10 mins so plastering ceilings is out - off steps.
You have to use these fancy yellow steps with scaffolding around them.
I also beleive your supposed to have a safe use ticket for these too or have undergone training on them.
What a fu c k in g joke.
a bloke i was working with last week told us that one one site he had to have a harness on when he was on a tower, but even if he was like 4 feet high, the harness doesnt activate until you fall 6 feet
over 20 years using stilts now-never hit the deck yet but **** me your arsehole goes when you trip on a cable-them trowels are sharp!
ive gone once, i turned up on the job, first day with a new spread and the first thing he asked me was 'ever fallen off them?' i just went 'never...' and the b*****d comes on this forum aswell so i told everyone before he did haha
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