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Friday Night Dinner Hello GIF by swerk
Hello mate, I like a bloke whose name sounds right the wrong way round. Aludes to a sense of balance.
I belive his name means 'hairy b*ll***s'. This would not make sense the wrong way round as you put it. Unless of course you had a mate with an over grown beard and a lock down hair do who was talking shite like Jay from the inbetweeners. Once he'd finished his story about his old man bumming Mia Khalifa on space mountain, you could then say 'b*ll***s, Hairy!'. Other than that very specific scenario, Harry Jacobs makes no sense in reverse.
Ps your tape is s**t
Used to like you
I never had much call for venetian John to be honest probably count on one hand amount of times I've been asked to do it over career and it's never really appealed to me personally
I've always thought of it as being a posh London designer studio/apartment thing
I never had much call for venetian John to be honest probably count on one hand amount of times I've been asked to do it over career and it's never really appealed to me personally
I've always thought of it as being a posh London designer studio/apartment thing
Been asked once . And later learn it had all gone funny in bathroom and kid who did it wouldnt answer phone.