Really upset with my rendered house...

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The guy we employed to do the job is very apologetic, but at the same time he actually subcontracted the job out...

The weather was predicted, and infact this was them returning to fix faults left from the original coat.

I haven't paid a penny out yet, but the more I look the more faults I'm spotting now.

How many attempts should they have to fix their faults??
As many as it needs to get the job right
Really? So if it was due to pis5 it down in the evening you’d seriously get a house textured the same day an hope for the best
You don’t know what happened dude ! It could of washed off days after and when is the weather man perfect could of been not forecast
You don’t know what happened dude ! It could of washed off days after and when is the weather man perfect could of been not forecast
It was done and rained the same day. Pretty sure weather man has forecast rain every day for the last month and has been spot on