Work in Essex

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The Lake Governor
I've just landed three jobs for late this year/early next year which will all run at the same time so will be needing 2/3 plastering gangs for float & set with sand & cement and tackers.
I know this is well ahead but I need to sort the right people as this work has to be of a high standard.
If anyone is interested pleases PM me but don't bother if your not a very good well experienced spread as there is no point in me starting people only to @@@@ them off after half a day as so often before.
Where is the work Andy ? i normally go quite after Xmas might be able to do a bit for you , you can tell me over breakfast if you want :-*
warriorupnorth said:
I'm in India for a month, so a bit far for me ;D

Bugger I thought I could rely on you Warrior. There would be tripe and onions ( I think that's what you eat up there ;)) in for you.
PS i don't intend to nick the contract and Ive never tried tripe although it looks offal ;D
blowjobs a fiver fingering youre asshole at the same times extra spunk in the eyes ;)
I will have some of that andy.not sure if you got my message as its not in my outbox.Work is tight at the mo so a nice run of work to look forward to would be great.Remember us essex boys should stick together :¬)

I am very quiet at the moment and pretty desperate for some work, I have 20 years experience in the trade, I would welcome any work! Trevor 01702527569
What !! the threads two years oldn he's gone into hairdressing and part time fireman

The hairdressing didn't work out Paul and then just as I thought the fire service was for me it led to me starting spreading again on the many days off I have, so the status quo was reinstated.
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