Word of warning!

I wish you all the luck and hope everything works out for you, you must be emotionally and physically drained, take it easy and enjoy life - we only have one chance at it.

I know what it feels like to throw everything down and storm off, it's the easier way than physical conflict and I salute you sir. I would have more than likely done the same, and I daresay others would have too

It's what makes us human (and let's not all forget, we are indeed only human)

I like to think you'll stick around and give opinions and advice along with the great banter, keep in amongst all the professionals on here and keep connections going with fellow peers.

Again, I wish you all the luck and health to keep going


And also, lets be honest Alan, your a prick

So before you go telling everyone how much of a c**t i am, look at your self and the way you speak to people. No wonder id had enough.
This place is worse than fuucking coronation Street.
@BigBish .......get your head back in the game @CeeVee or was someone else was also stressed a while back with these machines.
it's only a job.
My van seems to spend more time in the garage lately than on-site my trowels are f**k*d my arms half broke I'm on shiit rates.....and to top it off you lot are the only friends I have left.
AND YOUR ALL WANKERS :love::love::love::birra::birra::birra:
I wish you all the luck and hope everything works out for you, you must be emotionally and physically drained, take it easy and enjoy life - we only have one chance at it.

I know what it feels like to throw everything down and storm off, it's the easier way than physical conflict and I salute you sir. I would have more than likely done the same, and I daresay others would have too

It's what makes us human (and let's not all forget, we are indeed only human)

I like to think you'll stick around and give opinions and advice along with the great banter, keep in amongst all the professionals on here and keep connections going with fellow peers.

Again, I wish you all the luck and health to keep going


nice one jay. I won't share the texts you sent me to show everyone what a prick I had been to you. you can try and say im was a c**t to justify what you want if you can owb up to what you did. all the best i will leave it there.
nice one jay. I won't share the texts you sent me to show everyone what a prick I had been to you. you can try and say im was a c**t to justify what you want if you can own up to what you did, a phone call and we would have sorted it. anyway all the best i will leave it there.
nice one jay. I won't share the texts you sent me to show everyone what a prick I had been to you. you can try and say im was a c**t to justify what you want if you can own up to what you did, a phone call and we would have sorted it. anyway all the best i will leave it there.
Were you aware of all the obstacles he had to face to complete the jobs? As for materials, they should be in place before he arrives tbh. If I can’t finish my day because you have failed,I’ll charge you a day work for that!
I find it strange that someone was sent round to have a look when big BISH f**k*d off who found the time to photograph everything but didn’t give it a clean up and reassure the client that it wasn’t a problem

If the first thought is legal action it's natural to want to take photos of the mess left.
In a better frame of mind you would just hand ball it on they're small panels on the front. Must have been a real sickener when the pipes burst on your own.

Stuff of nightmares
This sort of stuff can happen.

I've been f**k*d up five times this year ... spectacular run of bad luck that's seriously hurt me. Four business trips to the UK that haven't come off properly, seriously damaging my business to the point where I don't know what the f**k I'm going to do about it and one .... lemme tell you...

Chap rings me to do a bit of plastering for him (a wee shed, he said) Two days work he said.

What he meant was that this is the shittest job that I've got on at the moment, I can't be arsed doing it and the owner is pressuring me. I can't be arsed scaffolding it and I don't want to pay very much for anyone else to do it.

When we got there, it was a 13m one story gable in a BFO garage of the kind that farmers have with two rickety trestles, two bendy planks and a stack of beer crates to stand on - to be done inside and out, two smallish walls, and the garage door inside and out. Oh, and I forgot to put surrounds on these three windows, can you just make them up for me? Thanks.

I couldn't even get at the outside without dismantling the fence and even then it was horrible.

And then the fcuking mixer packed up.

While I'm trying to salvage anything at all from the day, the owner comes back and tells me that the mixer doesn't work properly unless it's perfectly level, I'm there til nine o'f**k**g clock that night trying to make it so's there's something to show for it and still got the boot.

The guy says the mixer was level and hands me £50 as a sort of peace offering and no doubt tells all his mates that I'm a useless Englishman.

Last edited:
This place is worse than fuucking coronation Street.
@BigBish .......get your head back in the game @CeeVee or was someone else was also stressed a while back with these machines.
it's only a job.
My van seems to spend more time in the garage lately than on-site my trowels are f**k*d my arms half broke I'm on shiit rates.....and to top it off you lot are the only friends I have left.
AND YOUR ALL WANKERS :love::love::love::birra::birra::birra:
We're not your friends you c**t.
Now get another gauge on.


  • Word of warning!
    681.6 KB · Views: 216
Were you aware of all the obstacles he had to face to complete the jobs? As for materials, they should be in place before he arrives tbh. If I can’t finish my day because you have failed,I’ll charge you a day work for that!
if anyone loses any money working for me due to me I always cover. on job agree scaffold was s**t but the rest were fine.
one job scaff was s**t i agreebut that happens.
technically on price work I never had protection given to me. but I do supply if I'm about.
if money is lost due to me I pay.
as for speaking to people like s**t I don't recall me and you have words and all the guys who work for me for years never seem to have an issue
sub you money every week you worked for me!
had a hotel paid for you while you worked away and you want out and got pissed and never turned in the next day and had a bill to clean room. never charged you a penny.
you never did a single week in hand I paid you the same week when the rest of the guys do.
like I said I never had a crossed word with you and all it would have taken was a phone call and this could have easily been sorted.
I not gonna come on here and call you a prick or anything so say whatever lies you want about me if that makes you sleep better.
sometimes we have to own s**t when we f**k up instead of looking to blame others for our own misfortunes.
nothing more to say.
I'm with @BigBish

I've taken steps to distance myself from rendering altogether.
Puts a man on prozac that shite, whether its just a job or not.
Also been bankrupt and mate it might just be the best thing you do.

Rendering is a high pressure environment. Working on expensive houses with expensive materials and needing to do a good job to ensure you don't tarnish your reputation whilst having to work quick enough to get the money in and on to the next one.

It's definitely not for everyone there are easier ways to make money...maybe not as much money, but still.
My work isnt in question, right now ive had enough, the machines sold, the vans going and i am gutted by the whole thing.

I had 2 hoses block and explode with me around the corner.

By the time i cleaned out it was too late.

Right now i couldnt care less what a forum thinks of me or what i did.

Thanks for the work Alan, and sorry for being a coward. I just cant cope at the moment with this s**t or life in general.

Not looking for sympathy from anyone.

I failed for a few reasons.

Running a g5 by myself
Not having enough money in reserve, the result is debt for everything, not even enough some days to fill my tank with diesel.

No money equals bad home life, stress up to my eyeballs, worrying on a daily basis about everything. 1 breakdown away from being stuck at home.

All in all, i need more experience to run my own jobs, and a back bone when things go wrong.

But for now, the stress has been lifted, i feel like i can breath again, i slept the best ive slept all year.

ps. f**k krend, ill never use it again.
There he is. Things will work out I'm sure
And also, lets be honest Alan, your a prick

Sending me round here there any everywhere to clean pathetic little stains that arent my fualt.

The last job i did for you, the scaffold was dangerous, and GET THIS..they striked the scaffold BEFORE i started rubbing up my hit!!!

Then i have to work off of step ladders, on boards, balancing off a hop up and ITS MY FUALT the soffits can get cleaned. Hold money on me for it!

I blocked you because thats it, im done mate so i dont care what youve got to say! Its really that simple.

Alan, didnt you tell me this forum is s**t and "full of bitches"

You must seriously be bored at home. There was a bit of gear on the brickwork, oh dear any one would think i smashed my beads off the wall which i put on for free.

So clean the wall, clean the door and you can have the 35 m2 of beading and protection i did for nothing.

Or the days money lost on monday because you didnt have enough beads on site, your answer to that was "you can drive to bromley and get them. So i did, 1 bell and 1 stop.

More of my time and diesel wasted.

You supply the protection ?
Ive done over 300m2 for you and youve given me 2 rolls....

Every single job i did for you didnt have enough bags on it, s**t scaffold or miles away.

So before you go telling everyone how much of a c**t i am, look at your self and the way you speak to people. No wonder id had enough.
The forum is full of bitches...
I think things have piled up , but what actually broke down @BigBish was the machine. From what I read this was your get away ticket and rightly so,but if you had no experience and taking it on your own .....that’s the perfect recipe for disaster. I operate my machine on my own and I have to change everything- set up, spray, timing etc. When with someone else -then is different. Anyway I have been in the same situation and subbed for £20m2 labour only. There were jobs with no scaffold and I had to improvise with tresses and hop ups on top on steep land and felt twice , but finished at the end. Charged the company good amount for that , they were not happy, but neither was I. Left after another 4jobs for the same reasons- materials and organisation , with jobs to be rectified , but plenty of cash for them to sort it , I just couldn’t be bothered anymore with the s**t . Saying all that , we are still in touch and I have no problem picking the phone and talk to them.
@Albertnobacon small things every day that stops you here and there are not to be ignored. You have to make sure everything is spot on for the person who does labour only.
Listening to both all I can say is pressure played its best card, but communication is everything now days .
I think things have piled up , but what actually broke down @BigBish was the machine. From what I read this was your get away ticket and rightly so,but if you had no experience and taking it on your own .....that’s the perfect recipe for disaster. I operate my machine on my own and I have to change everything- set up, spray, timing etc. When with someone else -then is different. Anyway I have been in the same situation and subbed for £20m2 labour only. There were jobs with no scaffold and I had to improvise with tresses and hop ups on top on steep land and felt twice , but finished at the end. Charged the company good amount for that , they were not happy, but neither was I. Left after another 4jobs for the same reasons- materials and organisation , with jobs to be rectified , but plenty of cash for them to sort it , I just couldn’t be bothered anymore with the s**t . Saying all that , we are still in touch and I have no problem picking the phone and talk to them.
@Albertnobacon small things every day that stops you here and there are not to be ignored. You have to make sure everything is spot on for the person who does labour only.
Listening to both all I can say is pressure played its best card, but communication is everything now days .

There's money to be made in all aspects of plastering if you've got your head screwed on.
But its never plane sailing.
We all have bad days/weeks.
It's how we handle it.
In a better frame of mind you would just hand ball it on they're small panels on the front. Must have been a real sickener when the pipes burst on your own.

Stuff of nightmares
Was the straw that broke the camels back mate. Honestly gutted it hasnt worked out
There's money to be made in all aspects of plastering if you've got your head screwed on.
But its never plane sailing.
We all have bad days/weeks.
It's how we handle it.
All s**t on them jobs were caused by the office rats looking only at the numbers and I had no choice but to oblige, which in our world is called cutting corners.
I’m driving so not read updates yet but did think maybe the thing was using machine on his own I have been using mine on my own it’s hard if something goes wrong with it especially mid spray I’ve had gear go from ok to puss half way up a gable that bish had s**t with m200 tbengotbig machine which probably is hardwrtouseand clean etc on own
Rendering is tough sometimes
Which probably is whyskimmers stay skimmers
All s**t on them jobs were caused by the office rats looking only at the numbers and I had no choice but to oblige, which in our world is called cutting corners.

Don't ever do anything for Everest.... they're the hungriest bastards out there and often let the salesman price the jobs for that reason. You'll often get there and find that the salesman has booked in a week's work for you to do in a day.... THEN, my friend, comes the really good bit -

The way they structure the finances, the office manager has to get this month's wages from this month's take, so let's say that you do £10k worth of work, the customer pays £1k up front and collect £9k after you finished.

Let's say for argument's sake, you're due £2k out of the job - horror of horrors, the manager only has £1k to pay you with, so he'll 'forget' the weekend that you worked for them.

Pretty soon, they whole thing is a mess, men come and go like crazy, customers climbing the walls because they have terrible staff trouble, then they don't pay up and you're left sweating every time you go to the bank machine on a Friday morning.

Enjoyable work

self-employed conservatory installer (Former Employee) – Salisbury – 9 April 2018
Unfortunately, not the ideal position. Management/office staff were not great. The money was never paid on time. However, I really enjoyed the challenging work.
Long hours, not prepared to pay the overtime

Danger! Please Beware! Worst experience ever.
I would strongly recommend prospective customers to go local and not to use this company. I ordered 3 windows over two years ago and they were only finished in May this year. In the process Everest damaged my walls and - although they promised in writing to repair the damage - they have not, despite numerous emails, voicemails and calls. Neither have they paid any of the compensation they promised for the painful experience they put me through: countless no shows after taking days off work, turning up with wrong materials, long periods of hearing nothing at all from them, poor quality brickwork which took months for them to redo, not clearing up rubble leading to blocked drains. The list goes on. But worst of all is the current position. No contact for 4 months, no repaired walls, no promised compensation, no response to any of my numerous messages to their pointless customers services, installation managers who do not answer their phones, return messages or reply to emails, senior managers who are even worse. Nothing. Disgusting company. I sent quotes that they requested to fix my walls and they’ve ignored everything. Next stop solicitors.
