Will it scratch in

John j

Mono Don
Put some webber on this morning and it was still to soft at 4. Ran I bar over a bit and decided to leave it and go really early. Will where I.ve I bared blend in ok
Might be a colour difference where you've opened it up on the ibar. Surprised you didn't spray late
Put some webber on this morning and it was still to soft at 4. Ran I bar over a bit and decided to leave it and go really early. Will where I.ve I bared blend in ok
Should of closed it back in with a trowel or spat. Will be solid in the morning. One you’ve scratched it and brushed mist spray it with the hose. Will help if it bloomed
No sleep for you tonight geez!
Will it scratch in
Can't. Got to be some where . I.ll get lights on it

Neighbours are going to love you scraping back hard render at 5.30am

As said you might get a different shade of colour where already I barred. Would have been better I baring all of it then smooth with a spat. It would just need scratching back next morning then.
Neighbours are going to love you scraping back hard render at 5.30am

As said you might get a different shade of colour where already I barred. Would have been better I baring all of it then smooth with a spat. It would just need scratching back next morning then.
It's on a industrial estate . No one there except Romanian gypsy whos security . It's really high up where I barred it as well so we.ll wait and see.
What colour is it? Had it with white before and when I scratched it you could see the difference, came back next day and it was all same colour.
Try I barring it again.

Romanian gypsy as security? Heard it all now.

Hope all goes well.
He lives at factory. Gets his wage keeps 25 quid n sends rest back home. I.ll defo be barring it again. I actually think it will be ok as its freezing there and raining.......... watch it all be on floor lol
funny how mono gets a bad press ?,then i read post like this , you need to know your material what it can do all year round ,hope it turns out well ,for the customer
funny how mono gets a bad press ?,then i read post like this , you need to know your material what it can do all year round ,hope it turns out well ,for the customer
Last week we put on and scratch in afternoon . So it weather that caught us out and this side of buildings in shade