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hey we are finishing a Reno and need a fair quantity of 10ml sheets...who is the cheapest around the Mornington Peninsula ?
Confused Trailer Park Boys GIF
Don't know what any of that means.
hey = hello
we = 1st person plural
are = doing
finishing = getting to the end stages of something
a Reno = a renovation of a property
and need = not just want but have to have to complete the Reno (see Reno above)
a fair quantity = a lot
of 10ml sheets = Sheetrock wall board 10mm thickness
who = which person (in this case which builders merchant)
is the cheapest = can I spend the least with on the products we (see we above) need (see need above)
around = in the area or neighbourhood
the Mornington Peninsula = part of Southern coast of Australia in the Melbourne harbour region known for its hot springs
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hey = hello
we = 1st person plural
are = doing
finishing = getting to the end stages of something
a Reno = a renovation of a property
and need = not just want but have to have to complete the Reno (see Reno above)
a fair quantity = a lot
of 10ml sheets = Sheetrock wall board 10mm thickness
who = which person (in this case which builders merchant)
is the cheapest = can I spend the least with on the products we (see we above) need (see need above)
around = in the area or neighbourhood
the Mornington Peninsula = part of Southern coast of Australia in the Melbourne harbour region known for its hot springs
Shut up
hey = hello
we = 1st person plural
are = doing
finishing = getting to the end stages of something
a Reno = a renovation of a property
and need = not just want but have to have to complete the Reno (see Reno above)
a fair quantity = a lot
of 10ml sheets = Sheetrock wall board 10mm thickness
who = which person (in this case which builders merchant)
is the cheapest = can I spend the least with on the products we (see we above) need (see need above)
around = in the area or neighbourhood
the Mornington Peninsula = part of Southern coast of Australia in the Melbourne harbour region known for its hot springs
You don't half talk some b*ll***s.
They clearly stated that they want fluid (10ml) sheets of some kind. Stop trying to twist things.