
My work is fully guaranteed from the moment I am paid until I shut the garden gate.

If they pay extra, I will guarantee it until the sun comes up the next morning or the light otherwise changes.

Gold package - until they paint it.
My work is fully guaranteed from the moment I am paid until I shut the garden gate.

If they pay extra, I will guarantee it until the sun comes up the next morning or the light otherwise changes.

Gold package - until they paint it.
How much is extra
I've had two jobs delaminate over 20 years went back and fixed them. With domestic work you've no idea how the wall has been treated in past so to offer some sort of warranty is fraught danger.
Never had one yet was wondering why it has taken him 2 months to get back
Its over others work as mentioned , take into consideration its probably got problems hence the reskim , quote seasonal changes , unless its delaminated its hardly your fault ,
I have a get out clause,, I charge for my time , don't take a profit and they know that so anyone can take me to court if they want but I'll have text or verbal proof of others and they'll look like a Pratt.
You do quotes so you have to charge more for all the messing with other non customers , your customer needs a fixed price so can't see a judge backing up a claim .
Obviously be polite but if it takes you time to fix you deserve some payment , its fair
If they voted leave tell them to fxck off lol
What was the state of it before , I've only ever got a crack if seasonal movement with gypsum over lime if its not delaminating its nothing to do with you ,
What was the state of it before , I've only ever got a crack if seasonal movement with gypsum over lime if its not delaminating its nothing to do with you ,
The walls were not good as last person in the house wrecked it as they were a lodger, you know the ones anyway walls themselves looked sound ...as in brick walls
A few mm of gypsum ain't gonna stop a crack , a customer wants a miracle from their misguided imagination of tarting up something they weren't prepared to pay for to be gutted and done new , rant rant lol
The walls were not good as last person in the house wrecked it as they were a lodger, you know the ones anyway walls themselves looked sound ...as in brick walls
This just happened at the end of summer and the hearings probably gone on , as I said be polite but don't put up with THEIR shortcut ,
Text all contact , don't answer calls , your replies and explanations of probable causes in a polite professional manner will cover you if customer causes problems
I was giving up on this forum but this is the best thread of the week, like it a lot.
you go prep school Gav?
No mate , just experience, hate slap dash and want my work to be solid and last, people pay good money that they have earned themselves, I would rather spend more time,, my money really, depends on how you see it , to give them a proper long lasting job ! Thats my take on it .
This just happened at the end of summer and the hearings probably gone on , as I said be polite but don't put up with THEIR shortcut ,
so how about if you overboard and skim ceiling and it cracks?