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New Member
hi guys been to look at a job today and its just a couple of walls want re-skimming ..th thing is the stuff thats on the walls now looks and feels like sandpaper has anyone come acroos this stuff b4 ?? will i be ok wi just a couplke of coats of pva then multi ???
it could be textured paint and aslong as its not wood chip cant see why you cant plaster over it mate
Yeah its quality to skim on, its like it have already been gypbonded sorry bond-it, I dont know why i call it gypbond? just coat it with pva like you said.
i had a simlilar thing last year... it looked matt so i pva'd it but i ended up killing all of whatever suction was left...
good thing it had sand in it...
use board finish mate.. ;)
bodplasterer said:
Yeah its quality to skim on, its like it have already been gypbonded sorry bond-it, I dont know why i call it gypbond? just coat it with pva like you said.
same here bod i always call it gypbond ....strange ........
I went over the same sort of thing a few months ago. I was amazed that somebody would actualy put this stuff on the walls. It wasnt put on to hide anything cos the house was prob only 10 years old.
spunky said:
bodplasterer said:
Yeah its quality to skim on, its like it have already been gypbonded sorry bond-it, I dont know why i call it gypbond? just coat it with pva like you said.
same here bod i always call it gypbond ....strange ........

Might be a bristolian thing mate ;)
Yea also been over this just used pva I think its called sandex its well sharp you rub youre arm on it and it cuts you to pieces!!
Sandex thats it i kept thinking it was sandtex but yeah its a nightmare when you rub your arm on it i got some in my house a bit i havent plastered yet :-[
bodplasterer said:
spunky said:
bodplasterer said:
Yeah its quality to skim on, its like it have already been gypbonded sorry bond-it, I dont know why i call it gypbond? just coat it with pva like you said.
same here bod i always call it gypbond ....strange ........

Might be a bristolian thing mate ;)
I still call it gypbond cos that is what is was called when it first came out in the oval tubs ,it was better stuff then too. It had a oil in it that you had to stir in
pftmonojetman said:
bodplasterer said:
spunky said:
bodplasterer said:
Yeah its quality to skim on, its like it have already been gypbonded sorry bond-it, I dont know why i call it gypbond? just coat it with pva like you said.
same here bod i always call it gypbond ....strange ........

Might be a bristolian thing mate ;)
I still call it gypbond cos that is what is was called when it first came out in the oval tubs ,it was better stuff then too. It had a oil in it that you had to stir in

I thought it used to be called that i thought i was going mental like today i was searching all round site for a roll of scrim i put down turned round and it was gone then found out later my mate took it and scrimed up his room and still denied taking it there trying to mess with my head ;D
thats nowt... im always going back to the van, wondering what i went to the van for, going back, forgot what i was doing in the first place, starting doing something else, remembering what i went back tio the van for, forgot again time i got to the van, gone back again, thought f'ck this and gone to the shop for a can of pop..
Just make sure that its stuck well to the background mate, just done 1 and all the lot peeled off. Think it was because the skimming that was on before was rough and fat had been used to try and make it look a bit better.
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