Unhappy with plaster work, am I being unreasonable.


Active Member
Hi, Just joined the group as I’m trying to research plastering works and expectations. I have just had all the ceilings done in my house. All were originally artexed so I wanted a nice smooth finish.

I’m not sure if my expectations are too high and unrealistic so would appreciate some advice. Overall the ceilings are smooth but when you look at closely some of the work looks pretty poor. Particularly in the corners.

The artex pattern has is coming through very strongly albeit it is mostly smooth. That said I can still feel the artex pattern in some areas of the ceilings.

The are bumps and ridges that look very poor and I have noticed a crack forming in one of the rooms.

The mess made was unacceptable in my eyes and my carpets have been covered in plaster.

I have voiced my concerns to the plasterer and he his response has been very receptive. We have agreed to let the plaster dry out completely then he is going to come and inspect the work.

I must add once he started the work he increased his price which I also wasn’t happy about as he came and quoted for the works. For me a quoted price should stick not change half way through a job.


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Hi, Just joined the group as I’m trying to research plastering works and expectations. I have just had all the ceilings done in my house. All were originally artexed so I wanted a nice smooth finish.

I’m not sure if my expectations are too high and unrealistic so would appreciate some advice. Overall the ceilings are smooth but when you look at closely some of the work looks pretty poor. Particularly in the corners.

The artex pattern has is coming through very strongly albeit it is mostly smooth. That said I can still feel the artex pattern in some areas of the ceilings.

The are bumps and ridges that look very poor and I have noticed a crack forming in one of the rooms.

The mess made was unacceptable in my eyes and my carpets have been covered in plaster.

I have voiced my concerns to the plasterer and he his response has been very receptive. We have agreed to let the plaster dry out completely then he is going to come and inspect the work.

I must add once he started the work he increased his price which I also wasn’t happy about as he came and quoted for the works. For me a quoted price should stick not change half way through a job.


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He wants to let it completely dry so he can nip back and give it a quick rub n say its ok. Tell him that cannot be sanded and filled Nd ye want ye cash back
If he “quoted” for the work the price should stand if it was an estimate then that’s different but if you added anything to it then the price will go up even if it was a “could you just do this”
OMG. WTF. I cover carpet with sticky roll plastic these days or at least plastic sheets held tight with masking around edges. Don't take long to put down and easy pick and home. As for the work get a screwdriver out and drop light switch or I would ask for it to be dropped prior to job starting. Plastering is cit. Can't understand how anyone can walk away thinking thats OK unless you they are drunk or have some kind off learning difficulties. Because they never learnt to plaster! You got no chance of getting that put right by same firm. Don't pay the next guy until you are happy with work. Get a written quote as well. FFS! I feel for the home owner though. Original poster. Been done. Live and learn I guess
If he “quoted” for the work the price should stand if it was an estimate then that’s different but if you added anything to it then the price will go up even if it was a “could you just do this”

Love that one. Oh if there's a bit left in your bucket could you float and set a wall in other
OMG. WTF. I cover carpet with sticky roll plastic these days or at least plastic sheets held tight with masking around edges. Don't take long to put down and easy pick and home. As for the work get a screwdriver out and drop light switch or I would ask for it to be dropped prior to job starting. Plastering is cit. Can't understand how anyone can walk away thinking thats OK unless you they are drunk or have some kind off learning difficulties. Because they never learnt to plaster! You got no chance of getting that put right by same firm. Don't pay the next guy until you are happy with work. Get a written quote as well. FFS! I feel for the home owner though. Original poster. Been done. Live and learn I guess

Couldn't agree more.. on the flip side though there is customers who want cheap ass plasterers then spit dummy out when it looks like that. I've had red faced call backs to jobs I quoted but was too expensive, then they've had me go in as the cheap spread let it looking like the pictures above.

On the other, other flip side though not all customers understand, they think from the 3 quotes they received, the end result will be the same from all 3 so they might as well go with the cheapest. Learning curve.
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I do wonder about the fellas who do these jobs - surely you know what you can and can't do - even if there's a few things that a more experienced/better fella would notice that the customer won't, any fool can see that that's a terrible job and surely you can't be expecting to get away with it?
pay peanuts get monkeys. I got no sympathy most of you c**ts want a job doing for nothing then complain it doesnt look like the f**k**g sistine chapel.
Yeah thats rough but i can put money it wasnt a plasterer that did it. Just some f**k wit that will take any job on for 7 pound an hour
Hi, Just joined the group as I’m trying to research plastering works and expectations. I have just had all the ceilings done in my house. All were originally artexed so I wanted a nice smooth finish.

I’m not sure if my expectations are too high and unrealistic so would appreciate some advice. Overall the ceilings are smooth but when you look at closely some of the work looks pretty poor. Particularly in the corners.

The artex pattern has is coming through very strongly albeit it is mostly smooth. That said I can still feel the artex pattern in some areas of the ceilings.

The are bumps and ridges that look very poor and I have noticed a crack forming in one of the rooms.

The mess made was unacceptable in my eyes and my carpets have been covered in plaster.

I have voiced my concerns to the plasterer and he his response has been very receptive. We have agreed to let the plaster dry out completely then he is going to come and inspect the work.

I must add once he started the work he increased his price which I also wasn’t happy about as he came and quoted for the works. For me a quoted price should stick not change half way through a job.
FFS!!!! Don’t get me started on this one! Obviously paid peanuts so you got a monkey!! All these c**ts are out there undercutting proper true tradesmen so here’s how all the prices for decent working spreads are getting drove down by cheap arse skin flints like yourself!!
If he “quoted” for the work the price should stand if it was an estimate then that’s different but if you added anything to it then the price will go up even if it was a “could you just do this”

Hi he came round and quoted for the job. We agreed the price and no extra work was required and I didn’t ask him to do any extras. My first house I’ve brought, trying to refurb it but feel totally let down but the taxes I am coming across.
Hi he came round and quoted for the job. We agreed the price and no extra work was required and I didn’t ask him to do any extras. My first house I’ve brought, trying to refurb it but feel totally let down but the taxes I am coming across.
pay peanuts get monkeys. I got no sympathy most of you c**ts want a job doing for nothing then complain it doesnt look like the f**k**g sistine chapel.
Yeah thats rough but i can put money it wasnt a plasterer that did it. Just some f**k wit that will take any job on for 7 pound an hour
Hi I paid a fare price. I wanted a professional job doing so was prepared to pay for this.
The job invoked smoothing 4 ceilings (biggest was 12 by14 smallest box room 10 by 8. Hallway up stairs and downstairs. Small bathroom, downstairs toilet, I paid 1160 for this work and it took him 3 days
Hi I paid a fare price. I wanted a professional job doing so was prepared to pay for this.
The job invoked smoothing 4 ceilings (biggest was 12 by14 smallest box room 10 by 8. Hallway up stairs and downstairs. Small bathroom, downstairs toilet, I paid 1160 for this work and it took him 3 days
That is bloody cheap!
That is bloody cheap!

As stated I’m clueless to what things cost. I did the right thing and got 4 separate companies in to quote the work. 1250 1200 1160 1025 were the prices coated to me 1160 was what he quoted but wanted a further 120. We agreed on 1220as met him in the middle.
This house is ab2 bed coach house. Very small. When I say hall ways they are not your typical hallway . Very small. What would you have quoted out of interest?
That sounds fine for 3 days to me
Thank you. The chap seemed very professional and explained what he was going to do. I explained I wanted it all nice and smooth and asked his opinion as to whether to go over after or re board. He said skimming the artex would be fine and that 70% of his work was art explained skimming. Most of the ceilings are smooth but he has let him self down with the finishes. I wish I hadn’t paid him but it looked fine until it started drying out
Thank you. The chap seemed very professional and explained what he was going to do. I explained I wanted it all nice and smooth and asked his opinion as to whether to go over after or re board. He said skimming the artex would be fine and that 70% of his work was art explained skimming. Most of the ceilings are smooth but he has let him self down with the finishes. I wish I hadn’t paid him but it looked fine until it started drying out
Where did you get the guys number off?
Where did you get the guys number off?
I did a face book recommendation, I got lots of recommendations. I looked at his website and previous work he had done. His resided were great. I thought he would be ok. He seemed very knowledgeable and went through all the works he would do. Do you think I paid a fare price or was this cheap job? Going off the other quotes I received I thought it was about right.
I did a face book recommendation, I got lots of recommendations. I looked at his website and previous work he had done. His resided were great. I thought he would be ok. He seemed very knowledgeable and went through all the works he would do. Do you think I paid a fare price or was this cheap job? Going off the other quotes I received I thought it was about right.
I did a face book recommendation, I got lots of recommendations. I looked at his website and previous work he had done. His resided were great. I thought he would be ok. He seemed very knowledgeable and went through all the works he would do. Do you think I paid a fare price or was this cheap job? Going off the other quotes I received I thought it was about right.
Yes Facebook the best first business kick start for quick courses I don’t have Facebook at all so you will never find me haha. Price is ok think I would of been more expensive than all the quotes you got though. I would get him back to fix his work did you pay him cash?
I'm to cheep then. I don't earn a grand in a week. Prices vary around the country though as much as double. I send bill after work is completed and most customers pay via bank transfer or cheque. Any problems I go back and rectify which only happens every few years. What happened to payment of satisfactory completion?
I'm to cheep then. I don't earn a grand in a week. Prices vary around the country though as much as double. I send bill after work is completed and most customers pay via bank transfer or cheque. Any problems I go back and rectify which only happens every few years. What happened to payment of satisfactory completion?
You should charge double because you go in the day before to seal everything don’t you :lol: My work is Surrey area I spend most of the quote on sheets from the van to the room.