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New Member
What are the best trowels to use? make wise...... i'm told always use a marshalltown trowel, but they're the most expensive of all i've seen, and i cant see what the difference is! is this right? Also i've got a job to do hall stairs and landing and have had a lot of people saying that its too big for a beginner. what is the best way to approach it? do i need someone to help with the mixes or should i just do a bit at a time and use stop beads? any advice greatly appreiciated!!!
The best trowels by far are marshalltown..... dont mess around with anything else.#

If you go to they are the cheapest and they will burn them in which basically means they wear them in and are ready to use.... give them a call.

I use a 13 inch stainless I have recently bought and 18 inch stainless which is so good for troweling in.

As far as hawks are concearned I prefer the metal one s and I like the 14 inch version.

Hall job.... I would get another spread in to help you or at least a labourer...... never used stop beads.

you need to do it all in one hit, this will give a better finish

Start top left then work your way across then drop down to do the lower part of the wall.... it is a biggy to do and you will have to work like a b*****d if your a beginner

where abouts are you based???


I'm in staffordshire, and thanks for the advice, got my brother in law to help he's got a labourer too so shud be sound, cheers bud.
Thats a big ask for a rookie but you say you have help so my advice would be just don't panic keep an eye on it and don't mess too much with it untill its ready.

On tools Marshall towns all the way for me I sleep with mine under the bed . I wake up in the night sweating after nigtmares of it being lost lol ;D
I love my 13" MT. it has a special hook under the stairs and it's own oiled sleeping bag!!

I know someone who'd call me a heathen though!!

In the future lots of spreads will be talking about using cavity closures and plastic trowels!!
Yes I know.
Tyzak for me but its just a personal for size 11 inch every time again its a personal thing ....... I have also used a ragni stainless steel for a few years and it did me proud its my dotting trowel now .my advice would be buy one and use it for a few years until its paid for itself and change it when it starts getting worn out .
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