Time to de-scale?


Private Member
Let it flake off or spend time cleaning?


  • Time to de-scale?
    1.2 MB · Views: 307
Just the scrape the blade that touches the wall clean...

Only people that care about nice G** shiny clean trowels are those numpty that don't put enough on the wall!

Tools are for using....fook all that!
Just the scrape the blade that touches the wall clean...

Only people that care about nice G** shiny clean trowels are those numpty that don't put enough on the wall!

Tools are for using....fook all that!
Disagree with that. Nothing wrong with looking after tools. Keep on top of it and a quick spray with WD and they stay like new.
Scraped mine today, though they weren't too bad. Probably psychological, but feel nicer to use to me when they are clean.
f**k scraping . Sit it in water and bicarb for night . Little scratch every few hours be like a new trowel