Thin coat overpaint

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Bar getting the paint off is it ok to sm700 straight over paint or would you need to mesh first and mushroom fix then sm700? how many fixings would you need per sq m and would you need to mesh it again in the following pass to keep it near the surface?

Also sorry something I still can't get my head around could you lay one thicker coat on bed the mesh and sponge it or does it have to be two coats one coat mesh then a tight coat sponge?

Also over polystyrene or rockwool do you lay a coat on put a serrated spat/trowel edge over it then bed the mesh in ' lightly ' then go over it again with another pass or sponge and do you do anything else like go over it with a serrated trowel etc etc

Also when you're wet fixing insulation do you put the fixings in straight away or let it go off then put the fixings in?

Sorry about all the questions :RpS_blushing:
spunk. You can do a test that will determine if sm700 will stick to the painted wall. Lay a mtr of sm700 on and bed mesh into it and leave some hanging out to grab later, then lay a bit more over the mesh. leave it dry for a week and try to rip the mesh back off, you will probably pull the mesh off but if the sm700 remains there then that wall has a good enough key for the new work.

If you intend putting a heavier Monocouche over the mesh coat you should use fixings. No point if you putting noblo over it

i usually pin last of all when the stuff has set

If you can get the sm700 to a good flat surface ready for topcoat there is no need to put more on
Cheers ee do you use the serrated spats im worried about putting it on the adhesive base coat and pushing too hard if that makes any sense so it's all over the shop or just better off laying the gear on pushing the mesh in and flattening it
spunk with maite if it's similar to sm700 it's best to lay on as wet as poss and thin too as too thick and the mesh seems to float about on it making it wavey. A nice tight wet coat over it in the afternoon propper refines the first coat. Loads of water when spatting second as it flattens best if left to the stage that it tears without being lubed, comes out like skimming as you can even go over it again when further stiffened using water again to perfect even more. think of it as multi and go through the stages til quite hard, then propper thin topcoats wont be a problem
The serated spats are good spunk but not essential. Spray it on with lots of air and you can mesh straight into it without spatting first
Sorry one more before I ask again do you let the adhesive set with sm700 before you fix the fixings?
Hi Blones I was reccomended to talk to you about machines by flynnyman!! Was considering a m300 but they are a bit large...any advice would be very much appreciated! Currently hand applying k-rend and must be a 100 times easier by machine!! i don think my pm is active but my email is [email protected]. any info would be a godsend!! cheers pal Kyle!
lol thankyou! just about to enter the world of machine plastering...or am i making a big mistake lol..please tell me now and ill go apply for a job in tescos!
cheers goody..what model is it do you know? any idea of age etc? also any advice on choosing a machine...looking potentially at m300, g4/5 or ritmo xl completely new to machine plastering so any advice would be great. cheers
its apft minijet 2007 model 3 phase machine comes with a 3 phase gennie and everything you need to start spraying i will be doing a job in halstead in essex end of next week spraying monocouche render if you wanna see it working
Might be a good idea..why are you selling if you dont mind me asking? Im only 45 mins from romford essex so would be perfect to come and see. Only thing is next week gunna be really busy..may see what i can do tho... Been k-rending last two weeks and struggling if im honest, is it just me or is rulling off a bitch with that stuff?!
you need to lay it on in two passes one straight after the other and rule your first pass you dont want any high spots then when firm i section it to get it real flat then scrape with your nail float
Thanks mate. Is it right i can put the first pass on the wall and providing I get the second pass on within the same day it'll be allright? Was given the wrong info from k-rend technical!! Who told me 'why would you put it on in two coats..?' the other issue i have is do you just rule off the first pass and trowel in the second or do you rule off both...? Just checked out the minijet mate too, wasnt one of the machines i was orriginally looking at but if its working for you then id still be interested. thanks for your help
you rule both and its not two coats really as your working on a section put a coat on rule it then straight over with next and rule trying to push one heavy coat around the wall is hard work and you can spat it if so desired make sure no hollows round openings and give it a light brush with a soft broom head when scrapped back
So if for example you had a wall 5x5 meters you wouldnt put a covering over the whole 25 meters to build it out then go over it again then? and would you use the serated edge on each application or just the first pass then a derby or rule on the 2nd pass-sorry if im asking stupid questions but coming from rulling bonding and hardwall i feel like I have never picked up a trowel before!!
its apft minijet 2007 model 3 phase machine comes with a 3 phase gennie and everything you need to start spraying i will be doing a job in halstead in essex end of next week spraying monocouche render if you wanna see it working

Gibbo I Should have friday next week free to come and see the machine mate...any chance you could give me a bell to arrange coming up if thats okay? my number is 07813593799 thanks kyle
anytime will be fine mate, ill be up early tommorrow so anytime after 7.30 will be perfect. Ill have my phone on me all day so whenever you get a spare minuite!
makes sense butt to get into it first with a second hand package all working etc.....then later on you can justify spending out on dearer kit when and if you still want it
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