Start up grants.

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I was talking to my mate when i took my kid to rugby yesterday and telling him If i could get a couple of grand together i'd start up in business. He's got his own business and said when he started 4 years ago he had a total of 6K in start up grants from local enterprise company.
If this money is available there's no point me sittin on my ass waiting for job offers is there? I'm gonna make an appointment next week.

Any of you lads had Start up grants and if so, How does scheme work? ???
in my local rag, a one week advert costs about 6k ;)

p.s. did u see my lovely town on secret millionare this week? what a feckin dump! and u all wondered why i wasn't getting any work????
Do you think they'll give me a start up grant for some video equipment? My idea is to empty out my van, and film a Cornish version of Bang Bus.
TonyM said:
Do you think they'll give me a start up grant for some video equipment? My idea is to empty out my van, and film a Cornish version of Bang Bus.

With your sister and cousins taking the leading role ??? we all know what you cornish are like
richardbrown said:
erm I dont get it ...... If you are self employed then you have your own business already !!??


I was self employed uptil February but had to register unemployed to bring some money in.Problem was that I was working as a sub contractor for 3 years on C.I.S and worked for the same company all tof his time. Never made any other contacts because of this.
Yeah thats the problem roofer, my phone is ringing all the time people looking for work and most of these are people who can do the job but have been employed or worked for the same person for years so they havent got any contacts.

If you can get a grant I would do the following. Nice van signwritten, website, business cards and letter heads, printed t shirts, some large signs to leave on the job where your working .

All the above makes you look more professional and may help you secure more work, you need people to see your name all over the place.

I have signs everywhere on busy roads where people will see them, ihad a load of stickers made up and stick them all over the builders merchants,wickes etc .... you have to get people to notice and remember you but the best form of advertising is to do a good clean job, %95 of my work is from recommends .

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