Skimming artex

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this is why it was invented use pva it will sheet off it will stick it for sure but will eventually loose its bond or overboard
Well it was pva but bonding agents are so much better, so embrace the future , you bunch of tight wad dinosaurs ;D
Pug said:
what did you use before wba was invented?
What did you use before PVA was invented :D It,s called progress

I still use PVA, but if its a big un (ceiling) I prefer to use Betakontakt (WBA). Ive had some ceilings suck like a bitch after 2 coats of PVA.
i have used it and its very good, but i don't like having to paint it the day before and go back to skim it. i don't like the price either.

as for 'its called progress' so are nuclear weapons and mrsa. fcuk progress, i'm off for a pint, anyone else coming?
richardbrown said:
PVA is fine ffs I have never had a artex ceiling fail on me

nah well not before the cheques

I like WBA but PVA is also good enough....

richardbrown said:
PVA is fine ffs I have never had a artex ceiling fail on me

Same as, wba and bond-it are a complete pain in the arse to apply especially on ceilings, forgive me if im wrong but those that use wba use it to give themselves more working time on the ceiling.
gps said:
richardbrown said:
PVA is fine ffs I have never had a artex ceiling fail on me

Same as, wba and bond-it are a complete pain in the arse to apply especially on ceilings, forgive me if im wrong but those that use wba use it to give themselves more working time on the ceiling.
how do you work that out its its wba over artex or mainly plasterboard there aint much in it same sort of suction
I used to use wba on quite a bit but dont bother as much now. It can be to much bother when pva will do. It is good for gloss and greasy kitchens though.
madmonk said:
gps said:
richardbrown said:
PVA is fine ffs I have never had a artex ceiling fail on me

Same as, wba and bond-it are a complete pain in the arse to apply especially on ceilings, forgive me if im wrong but those that use wba use it to give themselves more working time on the ceiling.
how do you work that out its its wba over artex or mainly plasterboard there aint much in it same sort of suction

I dont get your point, where does plasterboard come into it.
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