Skill Swaps???

Who does skill swaps here?

It something that I have done quite a bit of... and will probably do it forever :D

A friend of mine owns and engineering company and he is always making stuff for my kit cars and getting me out of s**t and with my next kit car build I have quite a bit of fabricating that needs doing by precision engineers etc.

When I bought my place I plastered my friends house and in exchange he came and fitted the kitchen and bathrooms...

No money passes hands and both parties get jobs they need doing and not having to spend money when you are on a project can be well handy :D

only works if both parties have skills :D
Who does skill swaps here?

It something that I have done quite a bit of... and will probably do it forever :D

A friend of mine owns and engineering company and he is always making stuff for my kit cars and getting me out of s**t and with my next kit car build I have quite a bit of fabricating that needs doing by precision engineers etc.

When I bought my place I plastered my friends house and in exchange he came and fitted the kitchen and bathrooms...

No money passes hands and both parties get jobs they need doing and not having to spend money when you are on a project can be well handy :D

only works if both parties have skills :D
I've always been quite the opposite. I like to pay those that do work for me knowing that I don't have to go and do anyone of their shitty plastering. I'll quite happily just help a mate out doing something other than plastering related stuff though.
I've always been quite the opposite. I like to pay those that do work for me knowing that I don't have to go and do anyone of their shitty plastering. I'll quite happily just help a mate out doing something other than plastering related stuff though.

Oh don't get me wrong I am the same... I am very picky about who I do jobs for and most of the time I put my price in but when it comes to some things and they are normally good mates I probably would help out anyway it works out well :D
And I like the idea of swapping skills but they’d have to be pretty like for like in terms of effort. Got a note stuck on van wipers about something similar in the neighbourhood.... swapping ironing for dog walking and I thought that’s all well and good but you put that on my van...... are you serious?! :LOL:
Don't like the skill swap... It's a bit vague???
"can you move two radiators In my house"
"Yeh sure can you make good after the electrician and plaster the room and block off the fireplace, and put up coving in my house???
I do it all time. I owe joiner loads but he great old boy and just likes to get out house.
Down side I skimmed a plumbers house and he fitted a boiler. 5 days me 2 days him hmmmmmm.
Wanting to get outside of house pointed and insulated for next year so asked young joiner if he wants to do some day for day work as i need roof extending on gable..
So know I just do day for day.
When i first started and was keen I was looking after all mates and me dad said why i you doing stuff for them when they can do f**k all for you so now I leave it up to close family and friends if they want to pay owt . Everyone else gets it half price
Don't like the skill swap... It's a bit vague???
"can you move two radiators In my house"
"Yeh sure can you make good after the electrician and plaster the room and block off the fireplace, and put up coving in my house???
With plumbers on popstar wages it probably works out the same. Robbing c**ts
Don’t fall short Jess, go for Queen Jess . This way Stuart can talk to you only If allowed
Hmmmmm you make a really good point...... @Danny is it possible for my to be Queen? If so as Queen I’d like to appoint vfr12 as Advisor to the Queen due to his pertinence and wisdom in recognising obviously royalty

Yes my queen ! My instincts are always right! You'll rule with dignity and honour!


Skill Swaps???