Shocking work

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Shocking work
Shocking work
Shocking work
[/URL][/IMG] :RpS_w00t::RpS_w00t::RpS_w00t: I take it these boys have never heard of tarps or maskers....Jesus this is the worst iv seen in ages.How can you make bucket coat look so dam ruffff.
I went for a walk with the dog the other night there was gang of poles half nine still putting on ! Havent been past to see it but strangely enough it looked alright ! By the way forget the standard of works the lack of tarps just says it all anyway.
you see a lot of bad rendering these days, especially modern renders. Reinforces the reputation of the decent spreads IMO
Shocking is a understatement that is diabolical. I hope they didn't get paid for it?:RpS_thumbdn:
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