Scrim matting?


New Member
I have a small ceiling to plaster and there are a few cracks (see attached pic).
Would normal scrim tape be suitable, or should I go for that 'scrim matting' I've heard about?
If so, does it have a proper name other than 'scrim matting'?
Scrim matting?
As @malc says looks like an over board jobby.

If over-board isn’t an option try screw it up. Scrim n bit of bonding over cracks then skim
Yup. Board it. You'd have to bond that anyway, or it's be cat-face city by the end of it.
Thanks everyone - I'll board over.
There is a small curved part (It's under a stairwell), so would some sort of bonding be best there - to 'join' the boarded areas?
Thanks everyone - I'll board over.
There is a small curved part (It's under a stairwell), so would some sort of bonding be best there - to 'join' the boarded areas?
Yes mate over board and curve with bonding skim away.