Price per Meter

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Hello All,

Right I have a k rend job to price, I am not doing the job my self I subbing it out while I recover...

The job is an easy one no windows one door all ground level... its an eco house.... has a grass roof

I need to know how much approx we should be charging approx per meter? We are supplying

I know this gets asked a rake load of times

monocap I didnt know that lucius.

Grand is right tho monocouch means single colour in otherwords one coat render that is self coloured - krend.

where you live danny? you could use an alternative if you have a supplier nearby may work out cheaper for yer
I live in Milton keynes.....

I am going to leave it to the guy who is doing the work.... his decision

sprayit said:
Why does it need to be coloured through, what the point. Even if it gets damaged it still needs a repair

the product is self coloured so thats it. no science involved, or anything to do with damage or patching, its through colured so you dont have to paint it when its finished? through colour just means self coloured
jife sprayit is welsh and he knows damn well what it is he,s a bit strange i think he,s got about ten machines
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