Plastering in France... Lutece 2000L

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I've put up 30m sq. so far and got ok results. One problem I've run into is gritty patches which need to be scrathed off and re-filled. The stuff goes of pretty quick as well. I'm using PVA 5:1 and then 1:1 prior to skimming.

Anyone got any tips on skimming using Lutece 2000L?
Lutece 2000c (court/short) goes off quicker than
lutece 2000L (long)
I think 2000c is 1hr15 mins setting time
& 2000L is 2hrs setting time.
But if it's warm it goes off in half the time:RpS_thumbdn:
Sponge it treat it like onecoat gear:RpS_thumbup:
I'm sure ChrisW will explain he loves the stuff:RpS_biggrin:
goes off quick? your doin sommat wrong mate...
get a garden sprayer, the pump up jobbies....
throw a good coat on and lay it straight down...
leave it...
spray it with the garden sprayer...
sponge all the lines out....
trowel it...
leave it...
repeat with the sprayer and sponge and trowel...
leeeeeaaaavvvvvee it...
just remember to give it a final hard trowel when you start getting grey spots in it..

its a bit soft compared to british stuff but dead easy to use as long as you treat it like one coat and dont try and use it like thistle multi etc...

if its hot... remove all the "leave it's"... :RpS_laugh:

it was winter when i was using it but that said, we did have a massive jet engine stylie deisel heater so we wernt cold at all, far from it..
Thanks for the replies guys.

Just discovered that using a sponge trowel gets very good results. Also I learned that closing the windows (it's about 25oC) really helps with increasing the setting time, can live with it getting quite humid and sweaty. Following a similar method to Chris W's I get good results, but my right hand (I'm right-handed) is messed up and working with just one hand is silly.

Considering I've only just started plastering a 85m2 flat it doesn't look like I'll get it done with my messed up hand. And I've gone and bought many bags of Lutece 2000L :( I have to start looking for a skim plasterer in Ain....
youd be better off paying a british spread to come and do the job... labour only...
you can courier a metre cube box over for about 30-40 quid, should manage to get all plastering tools in it, then pay the flights on the 1 bag thing.... only need a couple of sets of clothing...
from what i hear, french 'artisans' arent exactly cheap, youll wait for ever, they get p'ssed all day and they aint all that at the end of it all...
I'm well up for getting a UK guy to do it, should only take 2 or 3 days max. I got all the tools and materials, minus the angle/stop beads
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