Pamic buying materials yet?

I’m alright jack got loads of empty private’s to go at!
Pamic buying materials yet?
problem is smoother situation is getting worse much worse , never been like this and this is just the start, total lockdown countrywide soon
Once cases rise further they will change tact and push for the heard immunity tactic saying we are nearly there already, telling the healthy under 55's to crack on (I agree with this). I dont believe there will be another national lockdown, we dont have the financial capacity to do it a second time...the economy will eventually trump the deaths of old ill people...that's the way I believe the government will view it in the end
If 18k a day are testing positive I bet the number of cases a day is heading towards 100k...I wouldnt get tested I'd just stay home and all the asymptomatic dont know to. That's 1 million every 10 days not counting all those immune from the March wave where I imagine by death counts there were even more cases a day. Herd immunity will turn up before a vaccine does
Yes 5 people confirmed since the start of March to get it twice,out of how many billion people in the world.. I’d say your odds are pretty good.
5 people picked up by chance as having it twice. Tests weren't available during the first lockdown so the actual number is unknown
No chance of a second lockdown, our economy would collapse. Has to be heard immunity as what happens after a lockdown it just fires up again.

economic value is for the workers

the goverments and banks make the figures up.

endless pot for them

the world is apparently trillions in debt

to the moon lol
It's just telephone numbers to the working man isn't it. All we are doing is saddling the next generation up with debt.

100 years ago
no such thing as a trilion

next hundred years
a footy player will cost a trillion

ridiculous how we get mugged off mate
I’ve completely gave up with it all now zombie mate , I’m on renders still and am lucky they always deliver, have had to wait a few weeks for some stuff but on a hole ok ,skim wise I been going wickes for a few odd inside jobs as well they are stocked up ok here.
Hope it goes ok for everyone
Bought 30 bags of skim last week no probs.... Will be in Wickes tomorrow and there will be plenty.

I am not worried at all.