nhl lime on thermalite blocks

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I am sure this problem has been discussed before on the forum but anyway.
I have just been to view an old property that comes under "Peak Park" jurastiction.
Which if you live in the Derbyshire area you will realise what problems they can cause for a project.
Work has been carried out on the property at various times. often without consent I would imagine.
The owner is concerned about damp and salts coming through the walls.
I have said I will do some homework with regards to the benefits / drawbacks of NHL backing and lime skim against limelite and multi finish.
the problem is that 1 of the walls has been re built internally using thermalite blocks.
My simple question is can you use lime mortar on thermalites ?
Surely if its a new internal wall in thermolites its in essence not an issue for damp? Or is the worry it rising up from floor level?