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New Member
Hello everyone

I am looking into changing careers and thought it would be a good idea to join up as I know that the right forum can be very usefull in finding out what is going on in that particular trade.
I have enrolled on a one year part time course at my local colledge in order to complete my Pastering ICA with a view to moving onto NVQ Level2 the following year.
I am also going to attend a 2 week course during my summer holidays this year in order for me to gain the basic skills to start doing odd jobs for family and freinds and build up my speed/skill levels.
I have done an internet search and come up with this particular company who are only an hour away in Stockport and look to offer a good package.
I will be doing the 8 day Hand Plastering Course which covers the following:-

Health and Safety
Choosing and using the right tools for the job
Hawk and Trowel techniques
Learning about various backing coats and how to mix them
Preparation of your working area
Applying plaster boards to ceilings
Repairing damaged plaster boards
How to patch plaster and blend into existing plaster
Fixing angle beads and skim beads
Dry lining using dot and dab techniques
The removal of artex
Preparing walls and reskimming over already plastered walls
Skimming around objects and angles i.e. Fireplaces, door frames, plug sockets
Rendering using sand and cement
Using finishing plasters to a high quality finish
Pricing up jobs
Advertising and developing a professional image
Advice on employment
Choosing and using the correct tools for the job
The key to speeding up your skimming technique
Re-skimming over plastered walls
Re-skimming over very large areas
Skimming from skirting boards
Learning how to achieve the perfect mix

If anybody has any knowledge of this company(good or bad) please post/pm to let me know.
Also any comments on the course contents or the way that I am approaching my chosen trade would be greatly appreciated.
My longer term objective is to set up a buisiness with a colleague who is also attending the same courses as myself.

Cheers Andy
good for you mate and good to see youre nice and keen i'm sure the course is as good as any other but when youve finished go to work with another spread preferably on price work it will help you as he will be more willing to teach you and be prepared for 2 -6 years of abuse and hard work and absolutely do not take it personally just crack on because he will teach you how to be a proper spread and promote what you will have learnt at college youre still young so be patient it'll come
My advice Billy would pretty much echo what nicksey has already said, but what i will add to it is be prepared for a long hard slog m8, I've just finally bit the bullet and handed my notice in and going on my own full time, after three years of learning as much as i can from who ever i can, but THE most difficult thing in all of that three years has been finding somebody who will give you the time of day. I've worked with a couple of plasterers, one a site plasterer who spread walls on like you wouldn't believe, it opened my eyes to how qick he was, and the other plasterer is a domestic lad who i have also learnt alot off, both taught me different things. I've also had an odd day with another chap who has been pointing me in the right direction on my rendering.
I wouldn't try to cram too much into your course, as the more you try and do the less time you will have doing it, i did a course over three years ago now and looking back it was pretty naff really, it wasn't the one you are looking at tho (thats all i'm saying!!!)
To end it m8, if its really what you want to do,best of luck to you and i hope you do well m8.
Welcome aboard Billy.
Plenty of good advice here from plasterers at all stages from noobs like yourself to some real crusty ones.
Thought I would update you on my progress.
I did the 2 week course and really enjoyed it so decided to start getting some practice by skimming over my existing artex ceilings.
I have tried the following techniques:-

Knock off high spots and 3 coat skim as 2 did'nt completely hide the artex pattern.
Scrape the Artex right back and 2 coat skim(very messy)
Tight Bonding Coat followed by 2 coat skim(my prefered method)

I have done 5 of my ceilings up to now as very busy at work and also got roped into skimming a friends bathroom and toilet so still got another 8 to do then the neighbours want theirs doing aswel so going to be getting plenty of practice in.
Just a quick question though. I have ben applying PVA to the ceilings prior to the Bonding coat and wondered whether it is required as there is obviously no issue with the bonding going off to soon.

Cheers Andy

btw Nicksey I am 40 next year so no working for anybody else for me ;)

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work looks tidy mate for how long youve been learning  ;) for the pva thing mate it does two things it seals the artex and acts as a key..keep up the good work
helloo billy, you have come to the right place mate! visit oftern, oh yer we still got to buy danny a 4xxx oh sorry mean a (BEER)!!!.
Thanks for the comments.
Really enjoying it and learning a bit more everytime i do each job.
Did the Mother-in Laws Kitchen ceiling last weekend 4m x 3m so not much hanging about waiting for it to firm up ;D

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Well went on the Saturday night to prep the room(covered the units and worktops with plastic and the floor with dust sheets) one coat of pva then gave the ceiling a tight coat of bonding so was there about 2hrs in total.
Back on the Sunday morning at 8am for another coat of pva then 2 coats of skim.
Spent plenty of time on the 2nd coat to ensure there were no misses.
Finished and tidied away just after 12 so time for a quick pint on my way home ;)
So in all about 6 hours of work and 1.5 bags of Bonding and 1.5 bags of Multi so would think about £120-£140 for an experienced plasterer.
I would probably do it for £80.
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