new website

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thanks bird .....

So tell me Danny is this seo business something you have to do constantly hence the £75 per month fee? I thought it was just keying in the right key words and listing the site on a lot of free databases ?
yep its something that you keep on doing :)

the stuff you don the website is called on page SEO and once you have done that then that is pretty much it... but what the £75 a month does is the off page SEO :)
I was spraying wet cause as a rule most of the panels on the job were awkward, there was 3 ruling off behind me when they got to it lol.

Spray using a 12 or 14mm cap.

How is it being a daddy then John? we spent the morning at grannies then the afternoon in the park, I love it lol
I spent yesterday in the park (freezing my tits off and getting dog sh1t on the pram wheels) and today visiting out of hours doctor to get him some medicine.

all in all a bang on weekend.

Why cant people be ar5ed to pick up their dog dirt after them. i never noticed before but its everywhere. twice my pram has been hit twice i had to jet wash the wheels tha same wheels that go in the boot of the car, the same boot of the car where my food shopping goes, the same food shopping that I eat. also it can blind a little one if contact was made somehow.

I agree Plasterjfe & why do the tw4ts bother to put it in a bag then sling it in a bush or hang it off a tree branch just at kid height ffs!! What's all that about!!

Notice how This thread started off as Rich Browns website & has now ended up about dogshit :RpS_laugh:
Hi richard nice site but that video of you sprying over window sill was daft... looks like you dont care and wont cover stuff up... also that massive wall you sprayed had no protection on the ground... or did it
amazing what you can find out with links on this site.... who's is is this then,,,,

new website
Looks good to me, always a good thing to offer potential customers to speak to past clients. Maybe you could ask your previous clients to post some testimonials and offer a link to their website or contact info, if they're builders or what ever?

Just a thought but looks good :RpS_thumbup:
Nice site Rich, we're having a new one built at the moment and I hope it comes out as well as yours.
thanks guys.... still a work in progress and agree about the vids and photos.

I will compile a list and get it sorted soon :)
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