New to site work. Not sure about 'the best technique' or so im told....

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If you charge decent prices then I don't have a problem with someone teaching themselves and making a living. What's pissing people of on here is the folk that buy a trowel, bucket and mixer, call themselves a plasterer and work for fifty notes a day.
Lol it's been an interesting thread this one, some good points. I appreciate your honesty smw but you have to understand why this issue will wind some people.
For me I compare it to being a chef, a qualified chef has training, experience, a thorough knowledge of the ingredients they use and the capacity to learn and improve. If you had a professional kitchen with a full brigade and a "new chef" started that chef would be expected to know all the basics, if they turned around and said they couldn't make a sauce or fillet a fish or make a pastry then trust me the other chefs would pounce on them.
You will learn a lot on here, best of luck bud :RpS_thumbsup:
Very well put ollie
Our housebashing rates have just risen +6%. There back now above what they were at the height of the boom, theres plenty of money out there to be made at the minute.

its got to be controlled or it will end in a bust again
Lol it's been an interesting thread this one, some good points. I appreciate your honesty smw but you have to understand why this issue will wind some people.
For me I compare it to being a chef, a qualified chef has training, experience, a thorough knowledge of the ingredients they use and the capacity to learn and improve. If you had a professional kitchen with a full brigade and a "new chef" started that chef would be expected to know all the basics, if they turned around and said they couldn't make a sauce or fillet a fish or make a pastry then trust me the other chefs would pounce on them.
You will learn a lot on here, best of luck bud :RpS_thumbsup:

lol but chefs are skilled
to earn money on site you have to be skilled ,but to skim plasterboard is a semi skilled job thats why the market is flooded , its easy to start up as a plasterer cheap ,tools you can do it on your own with basic skill thats were the problem lies imo
New to site work. Not sure about 'the best technique' or so im told....

New to site work. Not sure about 'the best technique' or so im told....

New to site work. Not sure about 'the best technique' or so im told....
If you charge decent prices then I don't have a problem with someone teaching themselves and making a living. What's pissing people of on here is the folk that buy a trowel, bucket and mixer, call themselves a plasterer and work for fifty notes a day.

Would you work for 50 sheets a day? Why would I? I turn jobs down that I know needs a pro plasterer. Im no cowboy. I just enjoy it. Im no threat to all of you trained plasterers so I really dont know what the big deal is. I only asked for some help to get me started on something I dont really know how to do....
Would you work for 50 sheets a day? Why would I? I turn jobs down that I know needs a pro plasterer. Im no cowboy. I just enjoy it. Im no threat to all of you trained plasterers so I really dont know what the big deal is. I only asked for some help to get me started on something I dont really know how to do....

To be honest u steal all the easy jobs like u just said and leave the proper graft.... We proper plasterers like easy skimming jobs too
Would you work for 50 sheets a day? Why would I? I turn jobs down that I know needs a pro plasterer. Im no cowboy. I just enjoy it. Im no threat to all of you trained plasterers so I really dont know what the big deal is. I only asked for some help to get me started on something I dont really know how to do....

problem is mate, you obviously dont know your arse from your elbow plastering wise, you are out there pretending to be a plasterer and taking work from real plasterers, did you really expect any other feedback ? " Im no cowboy " well, you obviously are.. get some training , learn the job properly ( min 4 years ) to get decent.. otherwise, go back to your old job.. you been on here 5 mins and your telling people to b*ll***s.. not get you very far that.. lol..
To be honest u steal all the easy jobs like u just said and leave the proper graft.... We proper plasterers like easy skimming jobs too

I just wonder how you would know what work I take on....if youd have seen other posts id written youd see I was asking advice on other things too. Im glad I didnt do an apprenticeship if it leaves you waaayyyyy up there on your high horse. Seems to me that some of you just like to moan and groan and point your fingers and say "its your fault, whaaa whhaaa" Grow up.
problem is mate, you obviously dont know your arse from your elbow plastering wise, you are out there pretending to be a plasterer and taking work from real plasterers, did you really expect any other feedback ? " Im no cowboy " well, you obviously are.. get some training , learn the job properly ( min 4 years ) to get decent.. otherwise, go back to your old job.. you been on here 5 mins and your telling people to b*ll***s.. not get you very far that.. lol..

Im no cowboy, cassie. I take a lot of pride in what I do. So b*ll***s to you, too.
I just wonder how you would know what work I take on....if youd have seen other posts id written youd see I was asking advice on other things too. Im glad I didnt do an apprenticeship if it leaves you waaayyyyy up there on your high horse. Seems to me that some of you just like to moan and groan and point your fingers and say "its your fault, whaaa whhaaa" Grow up.

The problem people are having is you still call yourself a plasterer yet your not. You self admitted you only skim and do the easy jobs. Those time served spreads and experienced plasterers who have done apprenticeships are still called plasterers. Joe blogs doesn't know the difference but will still try and screw the guy down that's got a lot more knowledge and experience and can turn there hand to a lot more areas within plastering. No one knows what Jobs you take on or turn down but people will still ask you to do the work. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking you for doing what you do, everyone has to start somewhere and earn a living. But respect those that have a lot more experience and have put a lot of hard graft in doing apprenticeships. Your still earning more a day than most guys did when they started out and they had someone to teach them.
The problem people are having is you still call yourself a plasterer yet your not. You self admitted you only skim and do the easy jobs. Those time served spreads and experienced plasterers who have done apprenticeships are still called plasterers. Joe blogs doesn't know the difference but will still try and screw the guy down that's got a lot more knowledge and experience and can turn there hand to a lot more areas within plastering. No one knows what Jobs you take on or turn down but people will still ask you to do the work. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking you for doing what you do, everyone has to start somewhere and earn a living. But respect those that have a lot more experience and have put a lot of hard graft in doing apprenticeships. Your still earning more a day than most guys did when they started out and they had someone to teach them.

I said Im not a plasterer mate. Im not knocking anyone, im just defending myself. I never said I only do easy jobs. I said I turn work down if a pro plasterer is required. For example, if there is a problem with damp and it needs someone with experience so the customer isnt being ripped off by me just filling their ears with shite, doing the work and running off with the money. Ive just boarded an entire chapel with fire board, dabbed the externals and re-done all the arched windows. It looks mint and the customer is so happy. I took 35% of my day rate as a deal with the customer as I was learning and they got a cheap job. I used common sense and asked for help with ideas when I was stuck. I might not be able to do everything a time served plasterer can do but I can still hold my own with the other stuff. So what if its only boarding and skimming? I still make money. Leaves more for everyone else doesnt it? Im busy, recommended by many customers and eager to learn. Whats bad about any of that. Some of you should give the less trained and experienced ones a bit of a break and realise that some people didnt come straight out of school into an apprenticeship. I had a terrible injury and whilst recovering I found that I enjoyed the work so I continued. If that offends anyone then they can bollock, too.
Im no cowboy, cassie. I take a lot of pride in what I do. So b*ll***s to you, too.

course your not a cowboy john.... Im sure you take great pride in your work... thing is you dont know what day it is, so i find it a little amusing...
I said Im not a plasterer mate. Im not knocking anyone, im just defending myself. I never said I only do easy jobs. I said I turn work down if a pro plasterer is required. For example, if there is a problem with damp and it needs someone with experience so the customer isnt being ripped off by me just filling their ears with shite, doing the work and running off with the money. Ive just boarded an entire chapel with fire board, dabbed the externals and re-done all the arched windows. It looks mint and the customer is so happy. I took 35% of my day rate as a deal with the customer as I was learning and they got a cheap job. I used common sense and asked for help with ideas when I was stuck. I might not be able to do everything a time served plasterer can do but I can still hold my own with the other stuff. So what if its only boarding and skimming? I still make money. Leaves more for everyone else doesnt it? Im busy, recommended by many customers and eager to learn. Whats bad about any of that. Some of you should give the less trained and experienced ones a bit of a break and realise that some people didnt come straight out of school into an apprenticeship. I had a terrible injury and whilst recovering I found that I enjoyed the work so I continued. If that offends anyone then they can bollock, too.

So, You say you are not a cowboy, yet you took 35% off your day rate because you were learning on the job. If you want to learn, talk me through your method on plastering the chapel and I will tell you where you went wrong.
So, You say you are not a cowboy, yet you took 35% off your day rate because you were learning on the job. If you want to learn, talk me through your method on plastering the chapel and I will tell you where you went wrong.

I knocked 35% off the arched windows as i hadnt done them before. My customer was more than happy with that and encouraged me to learn. Thats what normal, non-bitter people do. You lot dont like people who been on courses and you dont like people who learn on the job. Where should we learn then? Where does an apprentice learn? A bit on a college course and on the job with someone with the experience. What if his gaffer is a shite plasterer? Is the apprentice still a Plasterer even though he has been taught shite practices? Strange that. The only difference is that Ive learned from reading, asking, watching and trying and its been done almost entirely off my own back. In 6 or 7 years Ive had 1 customer who didnt pay. I know the reason for that. Its cos I do a good job of the things I can do. As far as the chapel is concerned...I boarded it then skimmed it. It must be a strain for you to be looking down on me from aaaaalllll the way up there.
I can make an omelet but I'm not a chef.
On the plus side the rendering prices should go through the roof in the next 15-20 years :)
In all honesty if I did site work for a big company being paid by the metre I'd **** myself! There's no way I'd keep up or want to. God my body's knackered and I'm exhausted so often and I've been doing this 5mins compared to a lot of the blokes on here. 8bags..... 4 or 5 and I'm off home. Not ashamed to say it's just not worth the hip and knee replacements to me. Good luck all on the metre and best of luck to you... you work bloody hard :RpS_thumbup:
In all honesty if I did site work for a big company being paid by the metre I'd **** myself! There's no way I'd keep up or want to. God my body's knackered and I'm exhausted so often and I've been doing this 5mins compared to a lot of the blokes on here. 8bags..... 4 or 5 and I'm off home. Not ashamed to say it's just not worth the hip and knee replacements to me. Good luck all on the metre and best of luck to you... you work bloody hard :RpS_thumbup:

Cant do 8 yet. Was hoping to get some tips from some peeps on here but ive just got a load of flak instead. Must be some lemon suckers logging on cos there is an awful lot of bitterness in amongst the good chaps. Thanks Jess!
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