new build house render


New Member
hello all,

new here, im just reading up on products to render my new build. would be looking for it to be done in the summer (2018) and its not a huge house (floor 104sq2) and im located in Shropshire.

what product do folks recommend K-rend is down to be used on the plans but im reading mixed reviews.

Im thinking colour wise to be grey as I have grown quite fond of the breeze block look and as it is in an agricultural setting with an concrete shed in the distance it fits in quite well currently so a slightly more subtle grey colour could look nice .

if my memory serves me correctly they are 7n breeze blocked walls

new build house render building in question.
To me ( haven't a clue) looks to be a straight forward job as it's all traight lines with no real awkward bits. ( Like dormers) also garage needs doing too.
Just do it In Weber OCR. Looks nice when it’s finished and it’s very grey. If you ever feel like a change you can change the colour and get it painted.

new build house render
The stone work and porch is adding character , I would look at more detail around the corners of the house ,definitely at the front and around the windows , otherwise it will be bland , personally I’d render it in sand and cement with quoin stone detail, nice plinth etc, it would give so much character ,but it’s not my house
The stone work and porch is adding character , I would look at more detail around the corners of the house ,definitely at the front and around the windows , otherwise it will be bland , personally I’d render it in sand and cement with quoin stone detail, nice plinth etc, it would give so much character ,but it’s not my house

I know what you are saying and it would give it a nice look but then doing all that adds to cost

Any paints worth considering instead of render? Could do it myself then.
I know what you are saying and it would give it a nice look but then doing all that adds to cost

Any paints worth considering instead of render? Could do it myself then.
The world is your oyster then re paints , yes it adds to cost but adds to future resale values too,
Always think it's a shame when someone does a lovely project and though understandably expensive , when it comes to the actual finish of your home everyone ends up more concerned with cost than the end result. I do understand moneys then tight but shame nonetheless
Hello Merln6330
The mixed reviews you read are mostly down to poor application rather than the materials .
I have been using K Rend for years and never had a problem and I have used Weber , Sto and other renders and never had a problem.
Choose a render and then choose a good applicator , look at their previous work and take it from there.
Agree on the details also before you start .
There are specifications available on K Rends website.
Good luck
Sounds like your scrimping but understandable at this stage with all what you've layed out. Got to agree with John on this one I would get prices the cost is the cost, you will find some are double for the exact thing and as been said go and see a few jobs and don't be embarrassed knocking on.
Yes as John said, just render and this house will look bland and boring. The extra costs will increase value and desirability.
House has an Ag tie on it, so will never be sold. Not in my life time anyway. (Hopefully!)

It's all very well and good saying more needs doing to make it more aesthetically pleasing. But when money doesn't grow on trees, it's not being built to sell on and I'd rather be living in it than staring at it because I've spent on the looks over interior, then sometimes something's got to take a hit.

The lads that did my floor screed also do k - rend so I'll have a word and get around to see some of their previous work.
House has an Ag tie on it, so will never be sold. Not in my life time anyway. (Hopefully!)

It's all very well and good saying more needs doing to make it more aesthetically pleasing. But when money doesn't grow on trees, it's not being built to sell on and I'd rather be living in it than staring at it because I've spent on the looks over interior, then sometimes something's got to take a hit.

The lads that did my floor screed also do k - rend so I'll have a word and get around to see some of their previous work.

whats an AG tie?
i have seen a tie bar cut into the brickwork , then the nut tightened and the property rendered.
Agricultural workers dwelling. Aid in the planning permission. Restricted to a certain m² and classed as an affordable dwelling so if sold would be selling at a % less than market value.

Ah yes I know the type... dont you have to live there for at least 5 years then you can apply for proper planning as you have proved that there is a need on the land for the property? A lot of that goes on in forests/woodlands when people are making charcoal and stuff I think :D :D
ive been using Ewistore in past 2 years didn't had any issues so far so good , customer service great, guaranty issued upon request with pictures been provided of each stage, providing free training so far so good :)
The lads that did my floor screed also do k - rend so I'll have a word and get around to see some of their previous work.

I’m the one who did your Liquid Screed!
Thought whilst reading this post the property looked familiar!
Get in touch and I can sort you out with a decent price considering I’ve done previous work for you.
If you want a separate price for the coins let me know. Although I understand the tie with the farm.
However I would advise against sand and cement due to the exposed position of the house.
Speak soon