Makes it worthwhile

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Went to price a job last week, medium sized lounge ceiling and long thin hallway ceiling, both artexed, customer wants them both skimmed.

I gave her a price of £160, days labour I thought and a couple of bags of multi. She looked at me in sheer disbelief expecting a price of nearer £500 and snapped me up to do the work which I did on Tuesday.

Anyway, cut a long story short it turns out she's just split up from her husband of many years and she hasnt got a pot to piss in - I felt a bit sorry for her so pullled out all the stops, even mopped the parrquet floor after cos my dust sheets had left some dust on it

She comes home and nearly bursts into tears thanking me so much and its better than she thought it could ever be blah blah blah...

Turns out she wants the whole house doing and she's booked me in to pull the old kitchen ceiling down and re-board at the end of the month.

Anyone else go the extra mile for certain customers or am I just being a soppy old sod
If a customer is sound with me then I'll go the extra mile. However Ive been soft in the past and been taken advantage of. Nice to hear the story though mate, sometimes you cant help, helping out!
I agree with Bruce, if they are fair with you then go the extra mile, i too have had the piss taken in the past, so no more.
pristine - i dont tend to use day rate on domestic for the very reason you stated, she expected to pay more. This week a women calls who i have worked for before and asked for a price on a 22sqm ceiling reskim over a deep artex, i say £250, she says great oh by the way can you do another while you are here to save on 2 lots of dust etc etc. I say what size, she says about the same as the other one, i say £200 and get the job. I sub it out for £150 labour, i make £300 less materials for the day, happy days.
Some people will say rip off but i also charge according to peoples circumstances - ie i'm not gonna charge little old granny the same as Mr 2 Jag in his 5 bed house.
Without sounding like a dick.... I try with everybody

when we used to leave a domestic job we would do our best to ensure its as we found it....

Just that some people are more appreciative than others


PS well done on getting all the work.... you can now up your price a bit as she not only trusts you but thinks your pretty cheap (a strategy I have used in the past)
pristineplastering said:
Went to price a job last week, medium sized lounge ceiling and long thin hallway ceiling, both artexed, customer wants them both skimmed.

I gave her a price of £160, days labour I thought and a couple of bags of multi. She looked at me in sheer disbelief expecting a price of nearer £500 and snapped me up to do the work which I did on Tuesday.

Anyway, cut a long story short it turns out she's just split up from her husband of many years and she hasnt got a pot to (french word) in - I felt a bit sorry for her so pullled out all the stops, even mopped the parrquet floor after cos my dust sheets had left some dust on it

She comes home and nearly bursts into tears thanking me so much and its better than she thought it could ever be blah blah blah...

Turns out she wants the whole house doing and she's booked me in to pull the old kitchen ceiling down and re-board at the end of the month.

Anyone else go the extra mile for certain customers or am I just being a soppy old sod
she could have at least smoked the dome for that price ;D
we did a job a few weeks back for a mum of a previous customer. someone had fitted a new door which went straight into the living room and left the bricks showing round it, and above you could see the floor joists and there was a real bad draft coming through. finished off all around the door and skimmed it. he never siliconed the outside so we told her to nip to homebase and get some and we'd do it. also had a vent fitted cus of a gas fire and they'd used one too small so it kept falling out so told her to get a new one from homebase aswell and we'd fit it. skimmed the ceiling which shed had done along with the rest of the house a couple of years ago but looked s**t when she turned the lights on, let her keep the polythene we put down for when she paints. charged her £300 inc mats for the ceiling and finishing round the door. did the rest out of kindness as she was a nice woman who i dont think could have been happier if she'd had tried. we did the small jobs inbetween trowels so it didnt take us any longer. it was one of those jobs that was a real pleasure to do. not too many of them about these days.
you said she doesn't have a pot to pis5 in and now she wants the rest of the house done wtf
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