Labourer needed from tomorrow in London(south)

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Private Member
Hi ,
I need a labourer as my labourer has gone plastering(God help us) from tomorrow ,decent rates, prefer someone ready now, might suit a learner but our work varies from skimming/rendering to demolishing..
Interested Pm Or Email [email protected]

UTR /Ni needed.
What about that wb19 mate
anyone that is interested really,we are finishing a job which is just skimming now, new job next week which I have not even asked what we are to do as it varies and we rarely say no when the pay is the same as our plastering rate..
Still no labourer for this week, I will get one by asking Polish friends, odd considering ,the we will work for free brigade on here. £70 a day after tax is not enough seemingly to leave Mums warm kitchen,
Still no labourer for this week, I will get one by asking Polish friends, odd considering ,the we will work for free brigade on here. £70 a day after tax is not enough seemingly to leave Mums warm kitchen,

Cant believe you are struggling mate! Shocking! What are they expecting...?
great money its the same on here all the time peopele askin for work the minute its offered there are no takers typical english just like to moan there is no work then blame the foreigners.
What about gumtree mate? Will have to weed the tards out but I'm sure you will find one for less probably
I have been on gumtree Jobs, where all the labourers and trades came from there, I do not want to be overrun by twits and I like to pay for good people .Once I have someone , there will be many on here saying I would of taken that job, I pay everyone the same, English Irish polish makes no odds to me, just want a decent honest working person, how many millions out of work, is £350 into your account every thursday evening not enough, a labourer I let go before xmas (polish) said he wanted £80 a day and would not work saturdays and started telling me when I needed him and when I didn't, only one outcome there...
I have been on gumtree Jobs, where all the labourers and trades came from there, I do not want to be overrun by twits and I like to pay for good people .Once I have someone , there will be many on here saying I would of taken that job, I pay everyone the same, English Irish polish makes no odds to me, just want a decent honest working person, how many millions out of work, is £350 into your account every thursday evening not enough, a labourer I let go before xmas (polish) said he wanted £80 a day and would not work saturdays and started telling me when I needed him and when I didn't, only one outcome there...

People today dont seem to have a decent work ethic! Throughout my life so far I have done alsorts to earn a crust!

Was and still am hungry for it, I have 2 kids that I only really see of a weekend because I there in bed when I get in from work, even still I work weekends if I need to, before kids I would work 7 days and evenings to have a chance at a better standard of life..

Lads today are more than happy with working in tesco or something stacking shelves clocking in and out, half an hour lunch etc ect. No ambition what so ever!

Personally I just don't understand them...
Shame your not in Kent I would of bitten your hand off, I would put my notice in tomorrow from a £28,930 job I hate to earn £350 a week doing something I really want to do! Mugs..
Too many happy sittin on there arse on benefits ! £350 a week!!! Feck that I can get my benefits and my dole money, easy life:rolleyes)
I don't understand it. Really annoys me when i think of how much i struggled to find anyone anywhere willing to teach me the ropes. Must've written to 300 companies before I got on a course etc and eventually got going on my own. When I started working for steph I would often ask for the keys for a job so I could get there before 8 and crack on if she had to get her little one to school and work late/weekends to get it done no questions asked. I was and still am grateful for the opportunity
oit youi was born in uch and lived in Tottenham before i moved out here...............admitedly i was about 2 when i moved out here haha.

i had to work in chelsea the other day and i think it was the one shite hole block of flats in the area that i got to work in:RpS_cursing:
i know lansdowne road your liturally round the corner from me im down portobello road friday only though finish the job that day
i know lansdowne road your liturally round the corner from me im down portobello road friday only though finish the job that day
Visit one o one, Lansdowne if passing , if you see a young handsome tall plasterer with jet black hair, I am the other one...
oddly ,just been to the hairdressers and looking at my grey head with crazy hair, felt old and tired till the bald one came in with shiny head and three inches from the neck up, did me a world of good...
**** me if I was down them ways I would come and play labby for a couple of weeks on £350!! I'm a dab hand with the 'dic head stick' also you've have never seen someone as good as me leaning on the dic head stick whist fckin about on the dog an bone :RpS_laugh:
Its only 3" away on a 50,000:1 map.....not that far really, and u cud sleep on the job and go to the local soup kitchen for foder . Sorted.
It's written in the stars ;)

Labourer needed from tomorrow in London(south)

on the hand have ever heard a more contradictory statement :RpS_laugh:
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