Knauf mp finish

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New Member
Any one else having problems with knaufs new mp finish
Having real problems with it either not setting or setting to fast and being full of grit
Firm I work for use knauf mp in most new build houses and we had loads of problems last few weeks. Had to use thistle until knauf sort problem. Heard they had shut factory to sort it. Hope it gets sorted I prefer knauf to thistle. Apperantly running out of gypsum so they have to substitute it with grit.
Ive found small black bits of grit in nearly all the bags og unifinish that i used! Not impressed, i know this happened with multi a few years ago also.
Def not the usual winter/summer crossover. I had to trial a new batch of knauf mp a couple a months ago, I had knauf rep come and watch me use it and asked my thoughts, they told me it would be getting more gritty.
We did same and were demoing the new mp finish the first lot we had set within 1 1/2 hours and tore wen troweling up and you couldn't fill anything out with it the rep was with us and said they were going to alter the setting times and add a bulking agent
not sure what's going on but this is def not summer winter cross over the stuff we've had since is terrible taking up to 4 hours to set and full of grit
Yep it dried very fast for me on the trial. I prefer knauf mp to any other plaster and I've had a good run with the stuff this year before they started messing with it.
My missus is a great cook and has around 7 fab dishes that i love but now and again she will add to it or mess with another etc then ask what i think!
Effing leave them alone they were fine is my answer. Knauf, BG
Mix it before you bead and scrim....
Then run the mixer through again it will always set in 1.5 hours to finish set.
When it sets normal (2 half hours) id mix 2 bags mate.
When spinning it twice... 1 and half bags.
roughly 20metres a bag.
4 hits a day when spinning it twice.
3 hits when it sets normal.
ive had the gear before when it takes 4 hours to set....I just wanted to cry !!!
When it sets normal (2 half hours) id mix 2 bags mate.
When spinning it twice... 1 and half bags.
roughly 20metres a bag.
4 hits a day when spinning it twice.
3 hits when it sets normal.
ive had the gear before when it takes 4 hours to set....I just wanted to cry !!!

I will try this when spraying it. Are u 1 coating with it. Do you use a sponge.
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