Is this rendering acceptable?


New Member
Hi all, thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this one. Just a quick bit of advice needed on a wall I have just had rendered, the whole house is being rendered this week but this is the first wall they have done. I know smooth render always show ripples in the sun but I think this may be a little excessive. Just wanted to run this past you guys to see if I am being fussy. They have been pushing for stippled render since they got the job, but I insisted on smooth as I have seen their previous work and it looks good. Just looks to me like it has not been plastic floated, just sponged off as I can see and feel fairly deep trowel marks. Just don't want to upset them if this is the norm. Many thanks.


  • Is this rendering acceptable?
    3.7 MB · Views: 1,830
  • Is this rendering acceptable?
    4.1 MB · Views: 1,750
  • Is this rendering acceptable?
    3.7 MB · Views: 1,705
  • Is this rendering acceptable?
    3.8 MB · Views: 1,583
Not great by any means. Sun will always show "flat" render at it's worst but this is definitely at the very bad end of the scale.
f**k :eek: is that the scratch coat on the 2nd photo on the other wall?!

That's a red card get them off the job and get a renderer in mate.

s**t I thought that was cladding haha
Did you find these people in the local nursery? I think my son does a better job in his sand pit.

Looks like its been topped off on a dry background then floated in direct sunlight

No bellcasts over the window or doors eather that's very poor.
Hi all, thanks in advance for any help you can give me on this one. Just a quick bit of advice needed on a wall I have just had rendered, the whole house is being rendered this week but this is the first wall they have done. I know smooth render always show ripples in the sun but I think this may be a little excessive. Just wanted to run this past you guys to see if I am being fussy. They have been pushing for stippled render since they got the job, but I insisted on smooth as I have seen their previous work and it looks good. Just looks to me like it has not been plastic floated, just sponged off as I can see and feel fairly deep trowel marks. Just don't want to upset them if this is the norm. Many thanks.
judging by the scratch coat on the side of the building i would say the main trade of the person who done this is a bricklayer , its a powerful accusation but i have seen this sort of crime before
No it's definitely not up to standard. Looks like a nice house. The renders got to be right. As a previous comment and as you rightly point out. The sun and Acute lighting will highlight any imperfections and minor undulations, that finished wall is not acceptable at all. That's been sponged up while wet and left. Looks sort of "moon like " :(.
Even if it looks okay for most of the day when the sun is off it, that scratch is not sufficient so it's not going to last.
wow thanks for all the quick replies, they have been doing just rendering for 30 years and I have been to their other jobs and they didn't look like this. i know it will never be perfect in the sun but was hoping for better than this. Not paid a penny yet.
I have a straight on view which does not look as bad. Just out of interest, what is wrong with the scratch coat,cheers
I agree that a stipple is not going to fix this. What is high build. can it be corrected with that.
I have a straight on view which does not look as bad. Just out of interest, what is wrong with the scratch coat,cheers

It's shocking it looks like they've done it holding a single nail or screw in their hand with massive gaps between each scratch. There's not enough key for the top coat.