Hello peeps ....

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New Member
Newbie here spread in manchester very fast very good and crying out to get on some site work!!!!
All my work is gaurenteed to the highest standard...
Willing to work all over uk if price is right 2 of us £300 4 us both!
hello mate is this mikey from ze politik vorum ? if it is howdy doody dandy me old mucker :D
p.s it's on a slow trickle in bristol but.......did anyone read the daily express the other day apparently, don't know the source but it's an official one, apparently were in for a 2% drop in 2009 and then house prices will rise 10% in 2010.....it's all due to the lack of housing, so hopefully this will instill a bit of confidence back in the builders :)
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sorry i cant get the article but heres the front page 28/07/2008
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