Hello - New to TPF

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New Member
Hello All!

Just a quick first post from me to say hi as I'm new to TPF and TPF is new to me. I stumbled across it whilst watching plastering vids on YouTube (sad I know)

I'm coming back to plastering having had a long break away from being on the trowel and am amazed/impressed at how the industry has come on in terms of tools and materials. Am looking forwards to having a good ol' mooch around the site as it looks like a fantastic resource and an ideal place to meet other spreads for a bit of bantzzzz.

Welcome aboard skipper.
Check out some of the speedscam range and the new splazzstick trowels (y).

Yeah, sound advise, I've already been looking - the speedskim kit looks like quality and I've already recently tried (and been converted) to plastic for final trowel-ups and polishing on internal skimming plasters (y) It's quite a revelation being used to only using a single trowel from beginning to end...
Welcome Rich, what you been doing before you decided to return?
Hiya James - I've basically been a pen pusher, been selling large format digital print to the retail industry for the last 3 yrs, previous 6-7yrs I was selling small format digi and litho print.

Hands have gone proper soft but these last 4 wks or so have been a bit of a baptism of fire, hardening up again now though (thankfully) :D
Hiya James - I've basically been a pen pusher, been selling large format digital print to the retail industry for the last 3 yrs, previous 6-7yrs I was selling small format digi and litho print.

Hands have gone proper soft but these last 4 wks or so have been a bit of a baptism of fire, hardening up again now though (thankfully) :D

All the best with it, hope you stick around on forum.
Hiya James - I've basically been a pen pusher, been selling large format digital print to the retail industry for the last 3 yrs, previous 6-7yrs I was selling small format digi and litho print.

Hands have gone proper soft but these last 4 wks or so have been a bit of a baptism of fire, hardening up again now though (thankfully) :D

get involved and stick about it will pay off in the end :D
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