Hello, my name's Jess...

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Woah you've all been busy gossiping like women on here ha! Yeah thats me few years ago. I know Steph she's great and work for her from time to time still. I was confused because thought they meant there was another Jess plastering in manchester. Dammit now everyone knows I tell fibs..... unlesss I can get away with saying thats a wig...

I'm bald sorry
Uncanny whats the chances? must mention to her her email address is missing the letter s of plasterer :)

Ha ha I know, i'm pretty sure it says 'feet' instead of 'feat' too but unfortunately I'm the sort of person who never gets round to doing things so it's prob going to stay like that!
This just gets better and better... Hi jess :RpS_thumbsup: the plasterer, from manchester, whos bald, 25, from alty but moving to fallowfield. Wow am in love :RpS_wub: Welcolme along, How long have u been in the trade if u dont mind me asking? am manchester based also. Lads the other lady was called steph the pink plasterer from liverpool who am also in regular contact with. Shes great and loves a bit of banter.

Hey been plastering about 4years or so now. Long enough for a decent finish but still come across new things all the time so this forum is great! Steph is great banter and a fellow liverpool supporter so all round thumbs up!
Get your trowel out and get to work Jess rather than chatting my mates up - get your own friends ;)) x how's it going?

Alright der laaaaaaaaaaa?!! This is my patch now biatch!! ha ha! These lot have been seem to think the story is, we know each other but pretend not to know each other and have possibly fallen out so I suppose the next step is a pissing contest on the merseyside border if you're game? :RpS_lol: It all got a bit confusing. I'm good mate relatively busy at least the minute i start worrying the phone seems to ring. Bet you're running round like a blue arsed fly as per!
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