good morning


It’s A Boy
and anyone else feeling poorly
good morning
View attachment 44166

My turn around and run home :frenetico:
Want to see the state of my job. I'm sitting in the van near tears. The customer came up to 'muck in' at the weekend and basically just got in the way...ended up with all the jobs started and none finished while he was assembling furniture and piling stuff up. Empty room - put stuff in there, but then I've got to move it to get the flooring down etc.

By the time he left, the job looked like the Luftwaffe had been and I still haven't recovered. Should be finished today, thank f**k.

Then it's off to work for a pakki for more of the same, no doubt.

f**k my life.
Ain’t felt right last couple of days been getting home then straight to bed appetite totally gone! Probably the aids kicking in again :frio: