finished my website

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New Member
hello gents-well after much headscratching i finally managed to do my website-thought my head was gonna explode!!any feedback would be helpful and appreciated-cheers guys
Mister Smooth!!

Whats with the flash??? thats a quick way to lose visitors mate, people click off very quick when the see flash also Flash will not help you get ranked in google nor is it adding anything to the site.... sorry to sound a dick but all that effort could go to waste

I would also suggest you have your contact details on every page.... maybe in the left side bar!

Also you need to keep the search engine spiders happy so some good content you also woudl find that if you mention teh areas you target and a bit of info you will get in the local search results easier

on the about page you may want to go in to detail about you as a company and tell people how good you are ectand tell them what you have done ect ect ect

You have a lot of photos which is awesome so maybe have one under each other and little bit of info on each photo... that will give you good content and also tells the visitor what is going on...

You also could do with calling your pages names that are relevent like aboutthevenetionplasterer.html rather than page009.html

You also need to go through each page and put relevent titles and descriptions and pick your keywords and then add content to match.

Also Photos could be done with being called relevent names as well with relevent alt tags

Also could do with putting a site map and a sitemap.xml in there as this is something that the searhc engine spiders will need to get round your site and index it.

Its a very nice looking site and you should be proud but just to help you out I thought I would highlight a few things

All the best

thanks danny-i havent got a clue what that meant so back to the drawing board for a bit-think i might have to buy a book!!!i do know how to get rid of the flash though so im on it!once again cheers matey, dino
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