Ewi / iwi

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Private Member
For those that do it, what manufactures systems do you all use, are they all pretty similar ?

Do you need to do approved applicators courses before hand in order to get the kit and warranties or do you just crack on and do it.
All pretty much the same, warranties are a joke, but do at least a day with some one to get the gist, and then crack on , real easy
Cheers Paul

I watched a demo in the week mate, and without sounding like a dick it was mega straight forward and easy, i could have gone and done it without hesitation, but was told a one day cse for internal and a one day cse for external both at £150.00 a day each, otherwise you cant get the kit and wont get the 25 yr warranty.
whenever i have done ewi on council projects, it is the manufacturer of the system has been awarded the contract,most times nominated by the architect, they also supply the warranty, have to meet finanical standards, and have a rep on site at all times to make sure the work is carried out to their spec.
Is it generally something that is done on council properties and large sites ? or do you think its something that you could punt on on the domestic side of things ? one off houses etc !
Is it generally something that is done on council properties and large sites ? or do you think its something that you could punt on on the domestic side of things ? one off houses etc !

it is very expensive, that is the complete job. the labour is very cheap
Is it generally something that is done on council properties and large sites ? or do you think its something that you could punt on on the domestic side of things ? one off houses etc !

weve done plenty for domestic clients and small builders, architects to massive plc conctruction outfits.
for large outfits you will need proof ot turnover, cashflow etc, just so in order that you have sufficent funds to run the project until final payment, so if your a one man band youve no chance.
small domestic you have a chance if you know what your doing ,but you need to be approved by the render manufactorer to issue warranties, and to use there system.The render manufactorer will not on the whole put there name to anyone as obviously they are putting there name to your workmanship the better quality outfits like sto, parex will want you to fit a strict criteria and be assesed if you are using there systems direct, as we do.
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