employed or self-employed?

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The pros and cons of being employed or self-employed?

If you could choose between the two, what would it be and why?
Employed. Although I have always been so don't know the difference really. Money on the bank guaranteed every week. Holiday pay, sick pay, van provided so free travel to and from work, and if it all goes tits up I'll be made redundant. I can't lose.

Only down fall for me is I make about 2/3 rds the going day rate. However if there's no work about my gaffer is contracted to pay me regardless.
I always found if I'm employed then I can see it as a job. Whereas being self-employed is more a life style choice!
Mind you I could have the balance all wrong?!
If I could come and go like that I would end up lazy lol
When you are self employed, if you don't work, there's no money, so you know you have to do a certain amount of work to cover yourself.
I can honestly say that in over 30 years in the building trade, I have never met an employed tradesman, of any trade, that wasn't a clock watching lazy b*****d. I have been on numerous jobs subbing, where I've been told to 'slow down' by the employed guys because I was making them look like c**ts. This is why I would never employ anyone. They hate the fact that you are making more money than them, and it reflects in the amount of work they turn out. They don't like it, but they are too scared to get off their arses and do it themselves. No disrespect to you Carlos, I don't know you, I'm speaking from my own experience.
at the moment employed - monthly salary, holiday , sick pay, 40 + leave days and paying into a pension(y) -----

it works for me at the moment---- its not for every 1
employed or self-employed?
Employed for a really good boss.

Always know I got work there, and do a bit of everything, so I don't have to trowel everyday.

I do weekends and evenings for myself but that's as far as I go, dont want to go self employed until I got a good handful of contacts that can guarantee me work.

I always said ill go for myself when I'm 30, got 6 years until then
How do you go about working for self at weekends and being employed at the same time.

Dolly dash???
When you are self employed, if you don't work, there's no money, so you know you have to do a certain amount of work to cover yourself.
I can honestly say that in over 30 years in the building trade, I have never met an employed tradesman, of any trade, that wasn't a clock watching lazy b*****d. I have been on numerous jobs subbing, where I've been told to 'slow down' by the employed guys because I was making them look like c**ts. This is why I would never employ anyone. They hate the fact that you are making more money than them, and it reflects in the amount of work they turn out. They don't like it, but they are too scared to get off their arses and do it themselves. No disrespect to you Carlos, I don't know you, I'm speaking from my own experience.

I know what your saying and on the whole your spot on.
True. I suppose it could go the other way and you get greedy working all hours you can get and never be at home

Yeah if you're not careful. Ive always tried to keep it sensible but at times you do what you've got to do
I got a mate who only sees the ££££ no job is too much to take on. Works 8-6 sometimes later 6 days a week all the time. It's a wonder his mrs and kids put up with him. A full on work a holic. But new cars and van regular big house etc. works for him. I just think he's a bit mad. Lol
I found everything i worried about in life made no difference to the outcome and therefore a waste of time and energy. I can get on my own case with deadlines etc but i dont have the temprament to put up with anyone elses pushing or nonsense lifes too short so remember none of it will matter on your death bed best to have few regrets as possible and do instead of just think , dont be a spectator (y)
The pros and cons of being employed or self-employed?

If you could choose between the two, what would it be and why?
I've b self employed 15 years and I've had enough some one gave me advice 15 years ago b self employed til your 45 and look for a job whith a pension so u have got 20 years on the cards

Pound notes mate, people will probably have something to say about that and probably that I'm the reason that the uk is on its ass etc..
When you are self employed, if you don't work, there's no money, so you know you have to do a certain amount of work to cover yourself.
I can honestly say that in over 30 years in the building trade, I have never met an employed tradesman, of any trade, that wasn't a clock watching lazy b*****d. I have been on numerous jobs subbing, where I've been told to 'slow down' by the employed guys because I was making them look like c**ts. This is why I would never employ anyone. They hate the fact that you are making more money than them, and it reflects in the amount of work they turn out. They don't like it, but they are too scared to get off their arses and do it themselves. No disrespect to you Carlos, I don't know you, I'm speaking from my own experience.
Do u employ anybody?
I work long hours and never really switch off... even on my hols I am still working some way or another... but it does give me the freedom and I love the work I do do so its all good
I got a mate who only sees the ££££ no job is too much to take on. Works 8-6 sometimes later 6 days a week all the time. It's a wonder his mrs and kids put up with him. A full on work a holic. But new cars and van regular big house etc. works for him. I just think he's a bit mad. Lol
What the point if he can't find the time to enjoy the things in life ask him has he c his kids grow up money can't buy that
Thanks a lot for all the comments.
I think what it boils down to, is, do what ever suits you.
If your happy with being employed & in a secure job or self-employed being your own boss, its cool.
I'm in a persition where I have the choice of doing either or and wanting some advice so thanks again!
I work long hours and never really switch off... even on my hols I am still working some way or another... but it does give me the freedom and I love the work I do do so its all good
I know a self employed plasterer he's work 7 days a week 8 till 6 every day he's fallen of roof once he's given a kidney to his son he'70 years old and he still going he's a freak of nature lol
Employed for a really good boss.

Always know I got work there, and do a bit of everything, so I don't have to trowel everyday.

I do weekends and evenings for myself but that's as far as I go, dont want to go self employed until I got a good handful of contacts that can guarantee me work.

I always said ill go for myself when I'm 30, got 6 years until then

I used to work weekends and nights, got so my job was getting in the way of my side work. So I quit my job and got all the insurances and my license back when I was 34. Sometimes I don't like all the paper work that I have to do after hours but that goes with the territory. It's nice not having to come up with an excuse as to why you're 10 minutes late or why you spent too much time worrying about quality instead of speed.
I got offered work fairly regular but never enough to fill a week let alone go on my own.
I got offered work fairly regular but never enough to fill a week let alone go on my own.
This only comes from going alone people come to you not your boss, being out and about. Huge amount of work comes from reccomendations one job often leads to another its your strongest advert.
Been self employed since 17, was employed for 3 months in 2012, but I ended up telling the gaffer to get out of his van and help us instead of sitting on his phone while I carried this fat, small sorry excuse of a plasterer/renderer who was slow and s**t.

I ended up jacking and going back on my own after I was yelled at for walking back to van going in my bag for a bar of chocolate.

Not for me, agree with tony, use to see lads all the time clock watching, I enjoy having a set amount to go at and going home when it's done whether it's 10am or 10pm.

The biggest downside is getting a mortgage
Been self employed since 17, was employed for 3 months in 2012, but I ended up telling the gaffer to get out of his van and help us instead of sitting on his phone while I carried this fat, small sorry excuse of a plasterer/renderer who was slow and s**t.

I ended up jacking and going back on my own after I was yelled at for walking back to van going in my bag for a bar of chocolate.

Not for me, agree with tony, use to see lads all the time clock watching, I enjoy having a set amount to go at and going home when it's done whether it's 10am or 10pm.

The biggest downside is getting a mortgage

You didn't serve your time then?
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