dodgy boarding

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New Member
went to price a job today a bloke been doing a bit of renovating to his house wants me to skim few rooms to finish it all off .... the bit that is puzzling me his that he,s boarded a section of his hallway which meets up to an existing wall ... but the boards are about 3mm off the level off the old wall . i congratulated him on his excellent boarding ;D and asked him why he didn,t try and get the level and flush , he said its alrite you,ll be able to make that up when u skim wont u pal . my question is wot do i do to get it level???????????

forgot to say that he wants me to skim the boarded wall and the existing old wall to make it look like the same
Had this a little while ago. Dodgy builders i work with put a stud wall up where there had been a set of double doors originally and had left it bout 3/4mm back from the existing wall, which was also damaged and required a re-skim. Im fairly new to the trade but the bloke I work with told be to put a tight coat of bonding over the lot, obviously building the boarded end out more to suit other section. Not sure if this is the correct way to do it but thats what he reckons is best.
iv been working for a big building contractor this week..omg the work is skimmin boards...the walls are so outa square its mad the boards have no fixing or timber behind main areas! u can push the corners in and out its all flexi..its not worth skimmin..been told to get on with it!i had to cut a hole in one board and smash loads of dab in to tryand sport the board just outa gilt i had to do sumit!

say on one wall the last timber stops and the board carrys on about 10"!
timmo72 said:
that's wot i thought about doing rob . cheers , but i always like to ask the guys on here

You could also remove the board and pack it out flush as it should be, or if not possible or to much faff dub it out with finish or bonding, this is a problem you will come across ten fold when doing domestic and site work, around frames boarded up doors etc.
the chap sounds like he's not too fussy unless he wants a perfect ceiling/skirting line i'd just dub it out with skimming mate refurbs are refurbs , you need to worry when you have problems like this on new builds
i'd be weary of pointing out too many problems to people the next time you float a wall he might point out a wonky skirting line ;D
Hello Mate
I get this all the time with a builder I do plastering for, his boarding is rubbish but I never say anything because he gives me steady work, as was said previously i just bond over all the bad areas etc and skim as normal
Bond it out first to get the level right then skim it. If as some of you guys say boards and joints are moving i would'nt touch it with a barge pole cause it will enivitably crack and you're going to be back doing the snagging. Get builder told to do it right. If boards have been dabbed then there should be dabs around the joints to stop movement and cracking!
i keep having jobs were the walls over lap the door frames..well new door frames..mostly lath walls..good job i ent the chippy 2!
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