distemper ?

oops posted without finishing.
whats best way to deal with distemper? want to skim same day if possible.
never dealt with it before myself but know what it is.
spraping some silk paint of a room today and greeted with horrible chalky pink s**t underneath.
advice appreciated
Dont eat yellow snow......and if someone offers to give you a mashing dont get scared they dont want to fight or f**k you they want to make you a cup of tea apparantly....
Stabilex. It's a stabilising solution made by artex. Expensive but lasts ages and is the only thing I've found that sorts distemper out.
Does WBA seal it?....if not I think you can strip it off with a wallpaper steamer....
thanks. did you prep it differently danny?
where stocks stabilix pug?
anyone know if theres another stabilizing solution that does same job thats easyer to get hold of ?
I get mine from Brewers. Anywhere that stocks artex should do it though. Otherwise there's always amazon.
thanks bud. need it in morning really, nearest brewers is 20 mile away for me. ill try n find any other artex stockists.
noticed homebase do one called sandtex. might have to try that if all else fails.
dont wicks do one?
Get a scrapper scrap as much off as you can,get some sugar soap or something similar with bits init like exfoliater, sponge it over try wash as much as you can off, wash it all off with clean water, good to go,its worked for me in the past,but only my opinion of course.
oops posted without finishing.
whats best way to deal with distemper? want to skim same day if possible.
never dealt with it before myself but know what it is.
spraping some silk paint of a room today and greeted with horrible chalky pink s**t underneath.
advice appreciated
Overboard if poss/ ceiling.
spraping some silk paint of a room today and greeted with horrible chalky pink s**t underneath.
advice appreciated

Did you scrape off all the silk paint? If not then I would imagine the skim would shell off taking the silk with it as there's not much sticking power behind it.
I always go over with hot water and sponge takes most of it off then
scrape any stubborn bits that are left works a treat.
I know this is a bit of an old thread but do you know/have any experience if the stabilising solution will be effective if distemper has been painted over