Cheap Materials

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New Member
Do you know any cheap websites for bulk materials? I don't mean 1000 skim beads etc. by "bulk" more like 50 beads, boxes of scrim, PVA ect. Any websites that do good deals if you buy a few different things at once?
Anyone know where to get so window protector rolls? Stuart gave me some when we got the machine but cant seem to find any more. Its the one with the stickytape and the plastic that pulls down
does anyone know if you can get a marshalltown gold permashape 14x5 that isn`t actually stainless steel? i bought one off ebay which was advertised as a permashape and it has the gold durasoft handle so i automatically assumed it was stainless steel but it isn`t. any golds i have ever seen were always stainless steel.
does anyone know if you can get a marshalltown gold permashape 14x5 that isn`t actually stainless steel? i bought one off ebay which was advertised as a permashape and it has the gold durasoft handle so i automatically assumed it was stainless steel but it isn`t. any golds i have ever seen were always stainless steel.

All Permashape trowels are stainless. Unless things have recently changed all the carbon steel trowels have the black edging to their handles.
I had a 20" permashape once (gold handle) that wasn't stainless prob about 3-4 yrs ago now.
Looks as rusty as my transit now :rolleyes)
I had a 20" permashape once (gold handle) that wasn't stainless prob about 3-4 yrs ago now.
Looks as rusty as my transit now :rolleyes)

You were probably had by the same seller Lee according to Marshalltown Permashape is a process that allows stainless steel to retain it's shape.
Yeah i think some gimp just stuck a gold handle on a bog standard trowel hoping that some other clown would fall for it thinking he was gonna get the deal of the century. I am that clown.:mad:
we got 2 gold permashapes from refina a couple of years back mine was stainless yet the old fellas wasnt. strange. try a 14x4 MT carbon steel. its a piece of artwork
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