Best Mixer

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thats what i've got, had it 2 yrs, have to take the top off and blow the dust out every 6 months, other than that its fine.
I got one of them too , had it for bout 6 months now , i can use it the best now but my labour cant get the hang of it at all , worth a ton anyway lad, but take a while to get the nack of mixing with it.
kms distributions an ebay shop sells good un's about 60 for a 1600w look under stilts on the site
i got one the evo..i fink i was gd for a few weeks then i realize its gutless and the speed thing gets clogged up..
ive got an evo..
like oasis' version my speed wheel doesnt work anymore, the switch packed up after a month or 2..
now its part bedside lamp and part mixer..
he's called 'frank'..
i made the mistake of buying a bigger paddle for him without fixing the speed control...
emptied a bucket of hardwall in about 3 seconds before i managed to switch it off ;D
i'd buy a megamixer mate and try and save money on other things ........sell the van and walk to work ;)
Buy one on 110v dont worry what it looks like, it's what it mixes like thats important.
Best to buy all new kit on 110v cus u never know whats around the corner.
A good freind of mine works for a large building firm that does lots of contract work for the local council in sheltered housing.
Thery are no longer aloud to use the electric in customers houses so are reliant on corless or 110 and generators for ALL power tools (inc mixers ).
You have to use 110 on site.
Plus the most important thing of all is there safer to use.
Future proof your self thats the only reason i say by 110v !!!!!!
Its not the law that you have to use 110v on site, its just that nearly every site preferes it. 240v has never been banned
i know its not the law yet but it soon will be way things are going.. .. it makes sense to use 110v .They cost no more and safety is the real issuse.All my kit is on 110v and all new kit i buy will be on 110v for that reason.
and if u forget ur tranny do wot i did and cut the head off nick the plug off there lamp and watch the fing spin!the slow start stoped working when i did this..ha
oasis said:
and if u forget ur tranny do wot i did and cut the head off nick the plug off there lamp and watch the fing spin!the slow start stoped working when i did this..ha
yeh, dont do this people if you want your mixer to last! it burns the motor out and they smell!!
i did the same with an sds drill once.. lasted a day..
i brought 1 from toolstation about 2yrs ago for £100 made by power plus and its brilliant much better than the bosh and dewalt mixers i have, it needed a different whisk for skimming which i got of ebay but the drills itself is wicked
bigsegs said:
oasis said:
and if u forget ur tranny do wot i did and cut the head off nick the plug off there lamp and watch the fing spin!the slow start stoped working when i did this..ha
yeh, dont do this people if you want your mixer to last! it burns the motor out and they smell!!
i did the same with an sds drill once.. lasted a day..

yea i wouldt do ganna get a megga mixer ..price it in2 the next job
Why price it into the next job?.Just keep the receipt and put it through your acounts,tools are 100% deductable.
Surely it would work out better this way?
skimmin2day said:
Why price it into the next job?.Just keep the receipt and put it through your acounts,tools are 100% deductable.
Surely it would work out better this way?

Yeah, that's allright if i get a big job but i,m only getting dregs. By the way, are training courses 100% deductable? Going on single ply approved contractor course. only 150 quid but hey, Money's money.
i got a 110 mixer off ebay fior about £50 still going stong, had it about 7 months 8) tho as its such an essential piece of kit i'll be getting a megamixer next time just for the reliability factor, not that i dont like mine, im more than happy with it, 6 speed settings and 2 other ones and what not good mixer paddle too
Roofer2plasterer said:
skimmin2day said:
Why price it into the next job?.Just keep the receipt and put it through your acounts,tools are 100% deductable.
Surely it would work out better this way?
Yeah, that's allright if i get a big job but i,m only getting dregs. By the way, are training courses 100% deductable? Going on single ply approved contractor course. only 150 quid but hey, Money's money.
Not sure wot the crack is in england, I live in wales and can claim up 2 £1000 off the welsh development agency. You do the course or whatever, send the invoice to the WDA and they give u back 70 or 75% of the costs.
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